365 to sue?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Football365 are refuting claims by Newcastle manager Bobby Robson that we 'fabricated' or 'distorted' an interview with French full-back Didier Domi in which he criticised training methods at the club.

Domi claims that the quotes which appeared on Football365.com this week and subsequently in national and local newspapers, calling Robson's training methods old-fashioned, were a distorted version of an interview he gave to French paper Le Parisien. But Domi actually gave an interview to our French colleague on Monday - before the Le Parisien article was published.

Robson questioned Football365's integrity at a press conference on Thursday and subsequently we are seeking legal advice.

-- Anonymous, December 15, 2000


Never psises down but there'a a deluge.

-- Anonymous, December 15, 2000

That's the way I like to see a business run...alienate a segment of your potential audience by threatening to sue their beloved club.....

Fuck you 365........

Anyone for a Boycott?

-- Anonymous, December 15, 2000

They must be hard up for publicity.

-- Anonymous, December 15, 2000

I agree.

-- Anonymous, December 15, 2000

I'm with you Gav - their stuff is usually pretty dull at best, so it won't be any great sacrifice

The c**ts...

-- Anonymous, December 15, 2000

Haha I've just re-read what I've written about how to run a business....didn't realise at the time that it sound remarkably like our club!! :))

Anyway, i'm still boycotting their shit site.....so there!

-- Anonymous, December 15, 2000

That yer dummy on the floor, Gav? ;-))

-- Anonymous, December 15, 2000


-- Anonymous, December 15, 2000

what is Football 365?

-- Anonymous, December 15, 2000

I`m pleased you asked Geordie - I don`t know either! (:o)

-- Anonymous, December 15, 2000

www.football365.com is one of the best beb sites that i'e seen in recent days. I only found it when looking for the Domi article, and I am very impressed.

-- Anonymous, December 15, 2000

spurs fans the lot of them - started by Danny Kelly ex NME editor and man [partly] responsible for Danny Baker's rise to fame.

Good sites are ones that don't treat their readers/viewers with the kind of contempt that F365/Teamtalk etc do.

I remember we had a similar ban on Teamtalk a few years back [on HMS Communicata] - i never went back and still haven't. F365's now off my list as well. What do you learn that you couldn't possibly find out from a more reliable/interesting source anyway? f'all. F' em all and [london-based] ship they sail in.

-- Anonymous, December 16, 2000

But min I need a good gossip sheet!!!

-- Anonymous, December 16, 2000

Call me a cynic (don't bother Screacher!), but I still reckon there's a germ of truth in this story. It bears shades of Ravanelli, Hamman and Zeige.

-- Anonymous, December 16, 2000

no doubt about it - of course there is. However, there's MASSIVE difference between reporting a fact and reporting an opinion on a fact - that interview was so unbalanced, it needed prozac. Unbalanced, one-sided, designed to create news rather than report it. That's not journalism, that's MARKETING.

-- Anonymous, December 16, 2000

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