Galaxy - a chance to reveal all : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Galaxy, Mrs Jonno was looking over my shoulder at the BBS and spotted your name. She asked who's Galaxy and when I passed on what little info I have she said "A woman? She must be a lap-dancer with a name like Galaxy."
Now I wouldn't have made anything of this but you were chatting about lap-tops I dimly recall, just the other day.
I think we should be told...

-- Anonymous, December 17, 2000


`A chance to reveal all`? - ooo0H No Jonno, you wouldn`t like it! Things ain`t what they used to be (or even `where` they used to be, for that matter)! Your posting did make me chuckle though. Yelli thought it was funny too, and Pete couldn`t stop laughing (which I thought was pushing it a bit!)

I wish I could tell you that there is an exciting and exotic reason for my choice of name. The closest I ever got to the `exotic` was stroking a python belonging to a an exotic dancer (who was having a night off, I hasten to add). For some unknown reason she had brought it into the bar of our local Steak House, and I couldn`t resist the opportunity to find out what it felt like. Pete was having a coronary, I`m assuming because he was terrified of the snake, but it might have been because he was more scared she might recognise him? (;o)

Anyway, the snake was beautiful (the dancer, much less so)!

For the benefit of Mrs. Johnno, Galaxy is the name of the dog grooming products I import from the States and sell. Being a lady of `a certain age`, I have to think of passwords, nicknames etc., that won`t easily slip my mind! Sad isn`t it - hope you`re not too disappointed! (;o)

-- Anonymous, December 17, 2000

I recall the only 'exotic dancer' I saw who had a python had greasy hair that looked as though it hadn't been washed for about 5 weeks - sort of destroyed the mystery!

What on earth made me think of that?
Nurse, bed-pan please................

-- Anonymous, December 17, 2000

Clarky - we don't want to hear about you stroking your python. Pur-leeeaaassssssssse. Next, you'll be giving us The Full Monty! Right, just puttin' me coat on............

-- Anonymous, December 17, 2000

>>>>>hope you`re not too disappointed Well Galaxy - Mrs J is a bit disappointed. She was hoping for some tips to polish up her act.
I'm pleased it caused you some amusement anyway and I'm also quite chuffed that Mrs J thinks I might be chatting to lap dancers on the internet. :-)

-- Anonymous, December 17, 2000

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