Have Brownie Movie cmera and projector and Brownie Camera

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Brownies Buy and Sell : One Thread

What should i do with this stuff, let it keep collecting dust bunnies or sell it for nothing. I think the things are neat, but sure arent keeping them to make money on. I guess what i need to hear is that I should keep them for the momentos. They sure don't seem to be worth anything-lol

except the fact that The projector works and we have many films

Maybe I could put them film on disk, anyone have any ideals. Would I have to record the movies while the are being played on a camcorder???

I think I'm answering my own questions, but would love to hear from you.

Sincerely Trevor

-- Trevor Carlson (compre4505@hotmail.com), December 18, 2000

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