Travel conditions across Penn. and Ohio - HELP : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Boy, after reading today's posts I'm almost afraid to ask my questions, since it's not really homestead related, but I hope you can help me.

My oldest daughter is trying to decide if she should start out for Michigan from Maryland tomorrow morning. She's concerned about the roads not really wanting to "white knuckle" it all the way. I thought maybe my forum friends could help. It is going to be cold and scattered showers here in Michigan, it is really hard to tell, even with weather forcasts what it's like someplace else.

She will be taking 70/76 from Pasadena to 80/90 to 23 and into Michigan. If you travel any of these highways can you let me know the conditions today. We were considering her maybe taking 70 across Ohio and then north on 23. How is the southern part of Ohio travel wise? I know 80/90 along the lakes gets lots of snow. How is it in the mountains in Pennsylvania on 70/76.

I will be checking the state police and travel sites and weather chanels after I'm done here and will check back for your answers.

Whoever, you can delete this posting completely in 24 hours if you want. Thanks again.

-- Betsy K (, December 21, 2000


Betsy, I feel your pain! I'm worried about my son coming here to Michigan up 23 from Toledo and it's only a 3 hour trip. I just e- mailed him that it would be totally understandable if he doesn't venture out. He's been fighting a bad cold and airport delays for the last couple of weeks with his job so he really needs some rest. Yes, this is definitely snow country! There are so many crazy fools out on the road who won't slow down for anything. We have already broken the 30-year old record for snowfall and it's STILL coming down and will be through Christmas. Where's El Nino when we need it? Hope everything turns out okay for you. I'll be sending you good karma.

-- Sandy Davis (, December 21, 2000.

Oh cool, two other women from michigan!!! My son is also to be traveling. Please post your findings so I can tell him. Thanks- diane

-- Diane Green (, December 21, 2000.

I just traveled 71N, 70E and 90E this weekend and it was clear and dry Sunday. Saturday was a bit different, tho. With the Arctic like temps the next few days, it will be hard to melt the snow. The good thing is there hasn't been a lot of snow falling with this cold front...just very light and fluffy. Not sure what happens up in Meechigan, tho. Rt23 N may be slow going, I'm not familiar with it, but know it is a North and South road and is susceptable to blowing and drifting.

Lake effect snows will effect the NE Ohio, more or less east of Cleveland south to about Akron/Medina/Canton.

If you need anymore "first hand" road condition updates, let me know, I travel Rt 70 daily through central Ohio.

Hope this helps.

-- JimR (, December 21, 2000.

I live right off of US 23. It's lightly snowing today, but the wind is blowing right hard. So far, we haven't had too hard a time getting where we want to go. In fact, last night we took 23N to go pick up our new puppy. The highway was clear and in good shape last night. Happy travels!

-- vicki from NW Ohio (, December 21, 2000.

It is clear and sunny in this part of Arizona. No snow, might get a couple of inches in dead winter. Painted the side of the house this morning, quite when it got too hot at about 60 degrees.

-- JLS in NW AZ (, December 21, 2000.

JLS,, that is NOT even funny, Everyone here in Mich ,,, we're freezing,,, and they are calling this a "NORMAL" winter

-- Stan (, December 21, 2000.

Yes, Stan is right!!! Don't be too smug or you might find you have way more neighbors than you want. Hope everyone makes their travels o.k...... diane

-- diane (, December 21, 2000.

Betsy - I live very close to 80 in NE Ohio and the roads were just wet at 5:00 even tho it was snowing. It is to get very cold and windy again tonite and into tomorrow, but I haven't heard of much more snow.

-- Dianne (, December 21, 2000.

Ok Becky, This is John D. checking in. I live about 30 miles north of I-80 in Pa. Was in DuBois today picking up my son from school, and 80 goes thru there. The roads were clear and dry.. It is now 12:10 a.m. and I just checked the weather channel for the local outlook. 1-3 inches of snow predicted for tonight and into tomorrow, then cold. The highs this weekend are going to hover in the 5-15 degree range. In this area, 1-3 inches of snow is nothing, PennDot is REAL good about keeping the roads clear, especially the major routes, such as I-80. Tell your daughter to keep a clear head, drive carefully and all should be well. Best of luck, but I'm sure she'll be just fine. If I can be of any further help, give me a yell. I check my mail 3-4 times a day. Take care. John

-- John D. in Pa. (, December 22, 2000.

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