HAPPY HOLIDAYS ALL!!! (nope, 'e ain't dead yet...!)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : People Photography : One Thread

Hi everyone, been computerless for months. I am teaching a class as we speak (they're writing their final...). I'm in front of a computer for the first time in a while. Guess that means I'm not really teaching, I suppose...?

I have been skimming for the past few minutes the threads. WELL DONE!!!

I will be back in approx. 2 weeks, I believe. I am getting a computer!!!

To the point: I just want to say HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!! and if you don't celebrate: good health and happiness nonetheless...

see ya soon, shawn (well, maybe not SOON soon...)

ps ALLAN E., I owe you my cahonas for being there even without knowing I was on the Moon. Thanks.

-- shawn (shawngibson_prophoto@yahoo.com), December 21, 2000

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