*UPDATED* Factory web site....

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Cagiva/MvAgusta have just updated there factory web site,this is the 3rd design,hope they get to finish it properly for once.... www.mvagusta.it By the way the BEST Italian web site is Aprilia followed by Ducati. Finally the BEST Superbike to come out of Italy in say the last 10 years is a triple golike the clappers and WILL be racing in the SBK next year..... www.tornadobenelli.com Hope MV dont ruin there name by not racing again????

-- Mario (mv_agusta@REMOVENOSPAMhotmail.com), December 24, 2000


Just looked at MV's latest excuse for a website...its bloody awfull! and thats being polite to them. I have an F4S and would be nice to have a nice manufacturer website but looks like a long way off.....and whats with this Chris Clarke reference when looking for a UK MV Agusta website...that stinks too....Chris Clarke is one small minow in the MV world...and they're a rip off at that!

-- Dave Penhale (davepenhale@compuserve.com), December 27, 2000.

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