Any opinions of NYIP courses? : LUSENET : B&W Photo: URL Review : One Thread

Does anyone have an opinion of the NYIP courses - the ones you do by mail, sending in photos, receiving critiques? Does this generally seem a sound way to learn to you? They're expensive courses, so I'd like any feedback you might have. thanks! - Tim

-- Tim (, December 25, 2000


Hi Tim I am a student at NYI a correspondence course of professional photography. It is like anything else you get out what you put in if you want to learn then you will of not then you will not. They give you all the materials you need to learn. talk to them about it ok good luck with you decision bye. Pete.

-- Peter Robert Weiss (, January 08, 2001.

Tim, I recently graduated from the NYIP photography course. I feel it is well worth the money spent. I'm thinking about taking the advanced course, now. I learned many things from the course. The materials that you receive will be valuable even after you complete it as reference to almost any photography situation. The instructors are very helpful with their critiques and recommendations. I recommend it.


-- Mark Peterson (, August 17, 2001.

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