New Year's Resolutions : LUSENET : digital ink : One Thread

As we head towards, yet, another New Year, the tradition of New Year's Resolutions begin anew. My questions are as follows: Do you have any resolutions for the New Year? If so, what? Has anyone actually had success with a resolution? or do you believe resolutions are a bunch of horse crap?

-- Anonymous, December 28, 2000


I published my resolutions on my site last year, and I plan to do it again this year. I actually kept one or two of them that way.

-- Anonymous, December 28, 2000

I don't do resolutions.

-- Anonymous, December 29, 2000

my resolution is to find out where allison of rollercoasters (formerly lydia and before that even allison of allison's abode) went. anyone know? thanks........

-- Anonymous, December 30, 2000

I do resolutions, but only little ones that I don't mind if I don't actually do. If that makes any sense.

I don't know.. it gives me a feeling of accomplishment to plan them out, write them down, post them, and then start to follow through.

I'm NOT trying to quit smoking in a NY Resolution, though, that's just retarded and ridiculous.

Instead, I'm going to try to do Tae Bo. I hear you snickering, and that's fine, but it's my resolution. At least twice a week, hopefully three, with my friend Missy who lives upstairs from me.

I don't blame anyone for not making them tho.. they're a little ridiculous in and of themselves.

-- Anonymous, December 31, 2000

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