Static Electricity : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

This sounds like kind of a silly problem, but here goes... It's winter in New York, and the dry heat from our radiators is causing lots of static electricity to build up in my apartment. Gracie, my Maine Coon, is finding that her long hair clings to the furniture and occasionally gives her "shocks." She seems disturbed by this -- does anyone know a way to minimize this problem? Static Guard spray works great for me, but I sure wouldn't put it on my kitty! Thanks!

-- Anonymous, January 02, 2001


We have the same problem here in Colorado. Try a humidifier. It works.

-- Anonymous, January 02, 2001

A humidifier is a great idea. You could also obtain a cat conditioner (from a local pet store or one of the vendors at a cat show) and use it on her after bathing her.

-- Anonymous, January 03, 2001

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