New Year's Eve : LUSENET : digital ink : One Thread

What did you do on New Year's Eve?

-- Anonymous, January 02, 2001


answer your own question, ya hooker


-laura, who sent an email at the stroke of midnight

-- Anonymous, January 02, 2001

My b/f, my best friend, her boyfriend (who is also my boyfriend's best's a circle thang), and I rented a hotel room. We went out to eat, we rented a hotel room, we went swimming, we watched Dick Clark's New Years "Rockin'" Eve, and played drinking games till 5am. It was a lot more fun than it sounds.

-- Anonymous, January 02, 2001

Like, I was supposed to go to my friend Tom's party which everyone and their dog attended and made sure to tell me what a right old time it was the next day, but instead I went to my theater professor's and read aloud from Paradise Lost. Which was pretty cool too. But like, I wish I'd stayed at the party. Because there were drunk people in the closet and everything. Usually I'M the drunk person in the closet.

-- Anonymous, January 02, 2001

Aww shit, I hate when I repeat myself and then post w/o re-reading what I wrote. We rented only one hotel room. lol

-- Anonymous, January 02, 2001

Nothing whatsoever. Watched the celebrations on TV and was in bed by 1am.

The life I lead...

-- Anonymous, January 03, 2001

New Year's Eve was okay. Not as much fun as the impromptu "Game Night" on the 30th--I mean, come on, we were at my parents' house-- but it had its moments. Like Jess and I playing checkers when I was three sheets to the wind and she was at about one and a half sheets. The highlight was kissing in the New Year for the first time. (So I'm a sad, sappy romantic. Sue me.)

-- Anonymous, January 03, 2001

Went to Fridays with the best group of people including one of my best friends, my bf, his best friend, and tons more people -- and got drunk off my ass. Went to my bf's house and got some rumpy-pumpy. Now that you know, don't you wish I didn't tell you?

Best New Year's of my life!

-- Anonymous, January 03, 2001

Well, I spent most if it with my nephew.. We played games and watched Halloween [or the first few minutes of it]. My boyfriend called and we aruged for about an hour or two. (Durnk bastard)

-- Anonymous, January 03, 2001

Durnk. Yeah. He was really durnk.

-- Anonymous, January 03, 2001

Well... let's see... I was supposed to have a mini party with one of my best friends [like we did last year, a girl's night sort of thing], but she dumped me at the last minute to do something with her boyfriend. I hate to whine about that, because I suppose it is understandable that one would want to spend New Year's with one's significant other... but never dump your best friend for your boyfriend. The best friend will not be happy. [Just a nice little tip tip tippity tip for ya'll.] Anyway, spent the night holed up in my room watching that Billboard thing [laughed at NSYNC's retarded outfits... hee hee. Drooled over Creed - Scott. Scott in leather. Scott in leather singing "Higher". GOOD. Yes.] and eating all the food my mom made. Drank some of the fake stuff... felt blah. Went online, compared depressing nights with a good net friend, went to bed.

I'm so very exciting.

-- Anonymous, January 03, 2001

I went to a party held by my best friend's older brother. everyone all together drank enough alcohol and smoked enough weed to fill the stadium the rose bowl was played in. I got some ass, which I've been craving for like, was the best night of my life.

It was really strange to come back to school on the 2nd and see that about half of the school was in the bathroom throwing up because they were so hung over! I almost fell asleep in all of my classes - something I've never ever done before, so that has to tell you something...

-- Anonymous, January 03, 2001

I spent all night playing games on with my boyfriend who is too far away right now [3,000 miles] to do anything exciting with.

-- Anonymous, January 03, 2001

Went to same Fridays with Treva and same group of awesome friends, and got drunk off my ass. Also sat next to a real asshole, but thats ok...C'mon Katie, you saw me later that night...

-- Anonymous, January 04, 2001

Thanx Sanford... I was sitting right next to you... See who drives you drives your sorry drunk candy ass home next time! :P (I was the DD at Fridays with Treva, Sanford and Mikey ect...)

-- Anonymous, January 04, 2001

Designated Drivers's are the best. :D

-- Anonymous, January 04, 2001

My New Year's was pretty boring, but not too bad. Had dinner with a couple of friends, watched several hours of Iron Chef with them, had a good amount of peach wine, and celebrated midnight by being on a messaging system with a bunch of our friends who were on vacation across the country (they decided to avoid Pittsburgh for a few weeks...feh). So, I didn't get any (not that I would actually expect that to happen), and I wasn't completely trashed, but it was quiet and fun. And it was better than going into work, which is what I probably would've done otherwise.

-- Anonymous, January 04, 2001

Okay, Laura...

I went to the aforementioned "Tom's party," which was okay. Me being a totally anti-party kind of person, "okay" is a rousing endorsement.

We left at what, 12:05am? Something like that. I got home around 1:30 (2? Something like that) and walked in the door just in time to see Sanford stumble out of Vicki's room in a drunken stupor. "Hi Katie! I drank too much," was the greeting. Um, yeah. Blinding flash of the obvious there, dear.

-- Anonymous, January 04, 2001

Jon, not you should know was the jerk with the "expensive material"

and yes, I did stumble quite a bit, thank you Katie.

You know, I got to go out and do that shit anyone?

-- Anonymous, January 04, 2001

Had so family over from interstate - si I did nothing. Squat. Bubkiss. Zilcho

-- Anonymous, January 06, 2001

Went to rock nightclub in the nearest city with Very Good Friend (tm). I'd never been before, but it was really good - and it was free!

-- Anonymous, January 06, 2001

Kissed a stranger in front of a friend - who I later found out really, really likes me.

Made her cry in the bathroom.

Felt really guilty yet also happy for meeting this new girl. Am now trying to repair an old friendship while seeing what could blossom with this new person.

-- Anonymous, January 06, 2001

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