Kissing : LUSENET : digital ink : One Thread

Have you ever kissed a member of your same sex? If so, were you sober? Did you enjoy it? If not, do you want to?

-- Anonymous, January 12, 2001


I'm assuming you mean, like, not your mom or something.

Can't say I have, and I can't say I've ever met a woman I wanted to kiss. Except maybe Treva, cuz she's mah bitch.

Yes, I'm kidding.

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2001

um. not mom. not aunt, cousin, grandma, etc., unless you kiss your family members open-mouthed. that's what i was talking about..

i just kissed a girl a couple hours after i posted this. it was weird. she was a stranger (we exchanged numbers though, and she's really friendly and nice and a cool potential friend). nice, better than a lot of guys i've kissed, except it epitomized "a kiss is just a kiss"--it didn't turn me on like kissing a guy would. really um, different.

katie... you joke like it's something completely out of the ordinary.. what is virginia doing to you? didn't you think you were a lesbian at one point?

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2001

Katie? kissing Treva? I think I'd pay to see that one :)

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2001

yes, sort of, and yes. i'm hetero-flexible.

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2001

Dude, Jill Sobule kicks ass. Seriously.


-- Anonymous, January 14, 2001

Never have, never will.

-- Anonymous, January 15, 2001

I used to have that Jill Sobule CD.... actually not a bad CD, but it got annoying as hell after awhile.

-- Anonymous, January 15, 2001

Yes, I have (uh, on several occasions), yes, I was sober for most of them, and I enjoyed it some of the time, didn't some of the about the same rate of a heterosexual person kissing someone of "the opposite sex" depended on the person, their style of kissing and the situation. This seemed like a fairly heterosexist question t

-- Anonymous, January 15, 2001

So, Katie, would you prefer tongue or no?

Come here you sexxxxxy thang you!

-- Anonymous, January 15, 2001

Ewwwwwwwww.... I'm going to get raped one of these nights, I just feel it.

-- Anonymous, January 15, 2001

Yes, yes and no, yes and no... :) Depends on the chick. I like Maria's word.. hetero-flexible. I guess that's what I am, too. :)

-- Anonymous, January 15, 2001

That Jill Sobule CD kinda sucks, but her new one is good.


-- Anonymous, January 15, 2001

Dee - Three words for ya: never say never. Never is just a bad word. It has a way of coming back to haunt you.

As for me, the answer is yes I have kissed a girl. was I sober... well, that would depend on the night... and did i enjoy it, again depends on the night.

Ditto on the Jill Sobule thing. She set out to get a lesbian song in top 40 and she did it. That's pretty rad if you ask me.

-- Anonymous, January 15, 2001

yes, i have, yes, i was sober, and yeah...i'd do it again...cause i do it all the time...cause, well, kissing a guy does absolutely nothing for me. of course, doing anything with a guy does nothing for me. :) but that's not to say that the possibility is not's just not something i count on. :) and that's the homo perspective.

-- Anonymous, January 16, 2001

Never say never...

But no, never.

-- Anonymous, January 16, 2001

Didn't Jill Sobule sing the supermodel song on the clueless soundtrack? Yeah, anyway ... I kissed a girl once, but it wasn't intimant or anything (meaning *no tongue* - sorry kids). I don't know, I'm pretty into the hetero thing (I've been, on numerous occasions, been called painfully hetero), but the past few guys I've kissed haven't exactly been the best experiences - might just have to go to the opposite sex to find someone with which to have an enjoyable make-out session, you know?

(I'm not serious - come on. But it's a thought ...)

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2001

well being that i'm a lesbian with a girlfriend, the answer is yes. i don't understand why some people think it's so disgusting. i don't think kissing guys is disgusting, i just wouldn't do it myself...i guess it's all a matter of taste (no pun intended)

-- Anonymous, January 24, 2001

I remember the first and only time I ever kissed a guy. I was not sober. He was making out with his girlfriend in the living room at a party and everyone was kind of uneasy. So, loud mouth me, pipes up with, "I'm next." So he gets up and grabs my face and kissed me. Tongue and all. All I could say afterwards is, "You need to shave."

And I really like that term hetro-flexible. Cause I can find a man attractive and even be turned on a little by a guy. I just can’t ever see myself with a guy exclusively. Mostly cause they aren’t nearly soft enough or smell good enough. Now to sound completely wish-washy, I have gone down on three guys. But that was group sex and it seemed like the thing to do at the time. I don’t regret it and even kinda liked it. The reason I don’t consider myself bisexual is that I think in order to qualify you would have to be able to be in a relationship of some sort with a person of either sex. I could never be in a relationship with a guy (see stated reasons above). I also can’t seem to let a guy go down on me. I’m sure that one is some deep rooted physiological thing though.

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2001

I don't think bisexuality necessarily requires the ability to have a relationship with a male or a female, because I know a lot of people (and I fit into this as well) who are sexually attracted to men and women but not emotionally attracted to one...this seems to happen fairly commonly with the girls I know who are bisexual but only emotionally connect with girls, which makes sense to me (I think of the homosexual relationship dynamic as being less emotionally stressful because one doesn't have to deal with the social differences that tend to occur between men and women - this isn't to put heterosexual relationships down, though.) I find people sexually attractive regardless of their sex ("I'm attracted to attractive people") but have yet to find more than a hanful of girls that I can get along with as friends, let alone relate to in an (emotionally) intimate way.

But hey, some guys are soft and smell good. I know a lot of guys (and they aren't flaming or drag queens or even queer in most cases) who shave their legs and under their arms simply because body hair is pretty damn gross, and, well, smelling good simply requires grooming oneself and using shampoo that isn't out of the dollar bin. Heh.

-- Anonymous, January 31, 2001

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