I need a Canadian poultry supplier of unusual breeds

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I recieved my MacMurray Hatchery catalogue today,great stuff but with the exchange and shipping I'd have to get a job to buy insurance for the birds(this is where you laugh)Anyone know of any Canadian sources thanx...teri

-- teri murphy (mrs_smurf2000@yahoo.ca), January 19, 2001


Hi I loved browsing through the Murray Mcmurray catalogue, but came up with the same thoughts as you did. I have not found any similar type facilities here in Canada, but have good luck when I go to the farmers exhibitions and 4H shows. There are always a few poultry experts around, don't be afraid to ask for names and numbers. Also check at a feed store. Where are you?

-- Terri in NS (terri@tallships.ca), January 19, 2001.

Try this site: http://www.poultryconnection.com/casources.html

Also, I haven't ordered from them but they are supposed to have rare breeds in Canada. They are listed at the above site also but have a nice site are geared more towards rare breeds. http://www.freeyellow.com/members2/renpoultry/

-- Trisha - MN (tank@linkup.net), January 19, 2001.

This link is a great place. They really cater to 4Hers. Last year they did some changing of stock, and some birds weren't available. I think this year they are planning to run full out. Not sure if they have their 2001 catalouge on the net, but they should soon. http://www.rochesterhatchery.com/frame.html

-- Marci B. (daleb@kent.net), January 19, 2001.

Rochester Hatchery out of Rochester, Alberta has some rare breeds. You can contact them at (780) 698-3798, Toll-Free at 1-888-698-3965, email rhatch@west-teq.net or www.rochesterhatchery.com. Hope you find what you are looking for there.

-- Cindy Clarke (rclarke@revelstoke.net), January 19, 2001.

I am by Cornwall ,if you are close you can ship them to me and then we can meet .You would just have to check about crossing the border with them .

-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@slic.com), January 19, 2001.

If you live in Ontario try the OMAFRA website(www.gov.on.ca),and look under the livestock(poultry) section. They list all the Ontario hatcheries, with many of them offering rare breeds.

-- Harald Stahl (stahl@bestnet.org), January 19, 2001.

I live north of Toronto. I am picking up 2 Buff Orpington hens and one rooster to hatch my own chicks. The farmer is on the west side of Alliston (only 20 minutes from me) and has a variety of different breeds available. If anyone wants his number I would be happy to provide it via email.

The Stouffville market north east of Toronto is also a good place to find unusual varieties (this recommendation is from an elderly friend of mine).

I hope this helps.


-- Silvia T. Stoddart (organic_farmer@hotmail.com), March 08, 2001.

Mulberry Farm Hatchery

RR#1 S C6

Winlaw, British Columbia

Canada V0G-2J0



= = = = = = = = = = = =

Berg's Hatchery

Box 547

Russell, Manitoba

Canada R0J 1W0


Fax: 204-773-3270


-- ~Rogo (rogo2020@yahoo.com), March 09, 2001.

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