Happy Birthday thread!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Happy birthday to our video man in Oz - gus! Have a good one.

-- Anonymous, January 19, 2001


Yoo-Hoo Gus , enjoy

-- Anonymous, January 19, 2001

birthday boy eh gus? kept that one quiet. have a cracking time! whaddya get?

-- Anonymous, January 19, 2001

Happy Birthday Gus, I hope you enjoy it.

-- Anonymous, January 19, 2001

eat cake!!!!

-- Anonymous, January 19, 2001

drink beer

-- Anonymous, January 19, 2001

Hey Gus. You one day behind me!!!

All the best

-- Anonymous, January 19, 2001

Spin to the bottom of the newspaper to see the photo of the Gusman and the Guslady - Mel and Sue as opposed to Mel and Kim.


-- Anonymous, January 19, 2001

Thank you one and all, ITK, Mrs gus will have your hide!

Ate cake, drank wine etc, gift count still on full list after the weekend.

-- Anonymous, January 19, 2001

Gus......I felt relatively confident a) in the fact that I reduced the size so not so in your face and b) she's on the other side of the world!

If she'll have my hide for that, I'm just pleased I shied away from refereing to her as the Gusette!........could have been taken very badly!

-- Anonymous, January 19, 2001

Hopping Birdies, Gus! Since it's still your birthday in the US, you should continue eating cake, drinking wine, etc. :-)

-- Anonymous, January 19, 2001

Tee hee - Gus's got less hair than me (unless I got the the wrang way roond)!! Happy Borthdy bonnie (?) lad. You haven't got a younger bro who's got a seat in the Milburn/SJH corner have you? Serious question - significant resemblance to the guy next to me. Ooh, perhaps I shouldn't have asked that. I hope Mrs Gussette isn't reading.

-- Anonymous, January 19, 2001

Happy Birthday to You-hoo!!!!(:o)

-- Anonymous, January 19, 2001

Best wishes Gus old son.
Have a couple of 'tinnies' on me - refundable at the Strawberry any old time.

-- Anonymous, January 19, 2001


you couldn't get us an introduction to that lass Simone in the photo above could yer?

; )))

-- Anonymous, January 19, 2001

ITK, she has a long memory, stay away when we visit or change your name!

Screach I could not have a double, there could not be 2 of us this ugly! The lack of hair is a combination of 3 things. The angle of the photo, a No. 2 cut the day before and alopecia :o)

min, can do better, have a phone no. as well. Dont ask!!!

-- Anonymous, January 20, 2001

Re the photo, checks are very big in Oz at the moment!

-- Anonymous, January 20, 2001

hiro, can't believe that you are 44 as well. You must have had a hard life. :0)

-- Anonymous, January 20, 2001

gus, belated birthday greetings bonny (how's that for a misnomer, I've seen him in the flesh?!)lad.


-- Anonymous, January 21, 2001


i'll be over, soon as.

; ))

-- Anonymous, January 21, 2001

Aye happy birthday marra. Don't cark it trying to blow all yer candles oot at once will you ! I'll buy you a drink when you next make it across the pretty side of this wide brown land of ours.

Now can someone PLEASE get ITK to stop posting that horrible mug shot up on here. Still, I suppose it could be worse. He could be using that photo from nufc.com's Smile Files. You know, the one that not only highlights gus' receding hairline but also his gut straining against the b&w.

hehehehe ;o))

-- Anonymous, January 22, 2001

Aal the best Gus, yoo hoo to you too

-- Anonymous, January 22, 2001

Aal the best Gus, yoo hoo to you too blue

-- Anonymous, January 22, 2001

Many Happy returns , BTW can I have your autograph you cant fool me Dennis Taylor...;-)


-- Anonymous, January 22, 2001

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