Manuals for FREE project coming TRUE! 7 manauls now up! : LUSENET : Konica 35mm SLRs : One Thread

Thanks to all the support from this forum and its users, the Konica Manuals for FREE project is coming true. There are now 7 full manuals up on-line, scanned at 600dpi and ready to use, for free.

Just think, thanks to those who have helped this project along so far, you NO LONGER have to BUY, beg, borrow, steal or buy photocopied manuals! Now you can use each of your Konica cameras to its limits and understand its functions as well as learn and compair the other Konica SLR's too! For free too! It is just a great thing when a whole community pulls together :)

Here is the site:

Photography Blue Book web site. Server #1 Photography Blue Book web site. Server #2

Under the Photography Blue Book --> Konica Manuals (or Konica)

We still require these manuals to scan in:

Konica F SLR Konica FS SLR Konica FP SLR Konica FM SLR Konica Autoreflex A SLR Konica Autoreflex P SLR Konica Autoreflex A 1000 SLR Konica Autoreflex A3 SLR

As well as any little acessory, lens or brochures you may have.

Contact me at: if you wish to loan your manual out for this project. Please inc. return shipping.


-- Anonymous, January 20, 2001

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