want to help raise awareness about domestic violence?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Domestic Violence Accounts : One Thread

I am a junior at James Madison University (JMU) in Virginia. I am in the process of trying to find a male and female speaker for an event on our campus called Take Back the Night (TBTN)which is held on March 28 (also subject to change within the week). This event raises awareness about domestic violence. The speakers open the ceremony by talking about their own experience and saying whatever they feel comfortable. Other students from JMU precede the speakers with their own experiences. It is an emotional and enlightening experience. We are willing to pay some accomodations. If there is anyone interested in helping us, please write me and let me know. divine69@purpleturtle.com and please don't be offended by the email, divine 69 is an african philosiphy. Thank you very much, Kristin Asgeirsdottir

-- Anonymous, January 24, 2001


Good luck in your efforts. In our Canadian city, the university holds an event with the same name. It is however, to raise awareness of violence against women which isn't a domestic violence issue since both men and women are equally likely to commit violence in relationships (only a tiny percent actually do).

-- Anonymous, February 07, 2001

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