"Invalid floating point" during TMP encoding?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I got the message "Invalid floating point" when coverting divx to mpeg during TMPGEnc encoding? Is there any remedy to this problem? Pls help, Thx.

-- Peter (Stuyvesantng@atozasia.com), January 24, 2001


Sorry, I wish I had an answer fo you. I'm having the same problem. My best remedy so far is to simply split the movie at the point of the error. That means losing a second or two from the movie, but who ever catches every second of a movie anyway? TMP will then join the 2 halves. I'm sure that there is a tool out there but I just started looking also. Dan

-- dan (dan@yahoo.com), February 19, 2002.

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