V4 engine rebuild

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Vintage Saab FAQ : One Thread

Just bought 2 Sonetts-- got 2 spare V4 engines. I'll be building at least 2 engines. From reading on the net, it seems the balance shaft on these engines is a weak link. Is there a good way to extend the life of the bearings? I've torn down one engine and all the bearings except the balance shaft inserts looked ok. I'll plastiguage them later. Would it be a good idea to drill the new inserts where the two holes go through the bottom of the block casting? Maybe just a good synthetic oil will be enough? Anyone have good experience with this? I know I'll be getting experience, I just hope it will be good!

-- tim rauscher (guidinglight@abac.com), January 31, 2001


I myself have just scored a v4 from a transit van, are they the same engine?? if so where did you get info on the engine itself? too many web sites to look through. thanks.

-- bruce England (dodgsun@yahoo.com), April 12, 2002.

tim, unless you live in western austraila a phone number is probably not the best way for me to contact someone. if you have a e-mail or even a fax number that might help me, that would be better, but i suppose any info is apprecieated!!

-- bruce england (dodgsun@yahoo.com), April 17, 2002.

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