The Future is Now - Visions 2000 : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

[See Headlines on AME - Today] I went to this web site and found they are a Non-Profit Corporation asking for donations to purchase hotels, etc. Why not set up a For Profit Corporation and issue stock so that we can invest and receive dividends and profits from the venture? What are your thoughts on this? Pastor Paris

-- Anonymous, February 01, 2001


Pastor Paris,

There is an investment piece to Visions 2000, and it also is on the web site. It is called REIT, short for Real Estate Investment Trust Here it is:

Five Steps to Building the Real Estate Investment Trust

For those who have not yet seen it Visions 2000, as well as the REIT plan can be found in its entirity at the Visions 2000 web site or you can read the story as it ran on A.M.E. Today in Cross Talk under Visions 2000

I hope it soon will be ready to accept investers soon.

-- Anonymous, February 01, 2001

Pastor Paris, What about a venture capital fund, set up by the AME church and its membership. The general church have funds and would receive residual income their investments. It (church) has the personnel talent to properly manage the investments, plus set in place a management mentoring for new businesses.

-- Anonymous, February 01, 2001

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