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Are you freaky about what type of tampon you use (guys need not answer)?

-- Anonymous, February 07, 2001


when i partake (which is rare), i have to use the small/slender ones. i'm sure you can do the math and figure out why.

-- Anonymous, February 07, 2001

While we're on this sort of topic, I have to ask: why would anyone ever use maixpads? I mean, sitting in one's bodily fluids sounds like a really disgusting way to go about one's day...it seems like you might as well be wearing a diaper in terms of basking in one's own filth.

-- Anonymous, February 07, 2001

you know, i don't use them.. my mother got tss, and it scared me to death so i don't use them. i just don't think its naturaly to stick something up there that isn't a penis or penis shaped :)

and i'm really aggervated at these new tampon vs pads commercials calling pads "diapers" thats such bullshit to try and manipulate woman/girls into feeling like a child. ugh.

-- Anonymous, February 07, 2001

ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh.

-- Anonymous, February 07, 2001

james --

you don't "sit" in bodily fluids. have you ever seen a maxi pad? it doesn't take over your entire lower body, you know. some women experience discomfort with tampons, and they prefer to just bleed it out. if you change your pad on a regular basis (ie: several times a day), it won't smell, and it won't be "filthy". it's just blood, you guys. that's all it is. calm down.

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2001

Yes, I am freaky about what type of tampon I use. Damn, I feel like this is an AA Meeting. "Hi, I'm heather and I won't use anything but Kotex" LMAO =) err, Imma go now.

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2001

uh, yeah. that post made me as a girl feel pretty shitty.

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2001

i'm glad i'm not the only one that thought it was a piggish comment.

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2001

Oh, James. We just have different bodies. We are forced to bleed and... "sit in our own filth," and you guys, well, you guys have your penises that you have to SHAKE DRY, leaving spots urine all over the fucking toilet seat and floor. Standing in your own filth, as it were.

Bachelor pads (no pun intended) are gross.

Maxipads, tampons... does it really matter? Just gimme the applicator -- I can't really get into shoving it up there myself when I'm bleeding. It's all too messy.

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2001

Hey... that's an interesting idea... "Bachelor pads"... We could make a mint off that one. Seriously!

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2001

I prefer tampons to pads, but I'm not picky about brands. Just as long as there's an applicator.

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2001

I tried Tampax once and there is no way I will ever use them again. Kotex all the way baby!

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2001

Hey, you spent 9 months in that "filth", buddy. ;)

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2001

Tampax. Super. go me!

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2001

Pads when necessary...I am uncomfortable with tampons....I tried them once, and could feel the sucker there the whoooooole day. No, it was in correctly, trust me. Yes, it was in far enough. I know, I know, I know.

But it's no longer an issue, since I'm on Depo-Provera, and therefore, have nooooooo bleeding! Woohoo!

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2001

I am also on Depo-Provera, and it is very nice. No periods, no tampons, no maxipads, very little (if any) cramps and bad moods, no sitting down on the toliet and staring into your underwear and thinking "damn it, I've got color in my pants" and then having to shove toliet paper in your underwear to get through the rest of the day until you can get home and pull out the Kotex, yes, I used to use Kotex.

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2001

I avoid the damn things like the plague. Kotex aren't so bad when you're still in the beginning/middle of your cycle, but there is SEVERE pain involved in shoving a tube of dry, unrelenting cotton up 'you know where' when your period is tapering off. Anyway, for the record, I use Instead. It's one of those plastic cup type deals and they are PHENOMENAL. Twelve hour wear time, no leaking, you can have non-messy sex with them in, etc.

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2001

A lot of people who don't have "natural lubrication" just dab some KY Jelly on the thing and go to town. I've never had any problems -- I use super absorbency, even on my last day. Everybody's different, though.

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2001

I have a sad story for everyone. I started out my tampon using with ob. Yes, I did. Crazy, huh? Then when I discovered applicators, it was like a whole huge amazing world opened up for me.

I think it's because of that that I'm totally ok with Tampax, which makes me happy b/c cardboard is biodegradable and all that madness. Now if I go to a friends house and they give me plastic stuff, it's like a fun little holiday for me, because they just SHOOT right in, no hassle at all. But I always go back to Tampax.

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2001

See, that's the thing. Plastic is like, WHEE! It's in. Cardboard's like you're standing there for ten minutes shoving the thing up there, and it hurts. "Go in... OW! Dude, get IN there already.. OW!" Ack.

-- Anonymous, February 09, 2001

i just don't think its naturaly to stick something up there that isn't a penis or penis shaped :)

how heterosexual, and i am assuming you have no hands and your vagina never wants attention. haha.

i use the O.B. cardboard applicators. the worst tampons ever are the kind that don't have a dome-shaped top, and are just straight up cotton. fucking ouch.

i also agree that wearing a pad is like stewing in your own blood and uteran goop. maybe my period is just heavy or something, but that shit is a sick, sad mess after a few hours.

-- Anonymous, February 09, 2001

Tampax! I've never had a problem.

-- Anonymous, February 09, 2001

i use instead cups too - oh, those things are a godsend. my period is too heavy to use any sort of tampons without having to change them every half-hour or so (i know, i know) and pads are just...squishy. though i will use them in a pinch, as instead are so fucking hard to find around here.

-- Anonymous, February 09, 2001

I use Tampax...cardboard and all...and I have never had a problem...I don't even need the little 'rounded' tip and amazingly enough...I am still a virgin...super plus Tampax tampons are my god:-)

-- Anonymous, February 09, 2001

I am a Kotex girl. I find tampax and other cardboard applicators so absolutely impossible to use. There's nothing to grip (Kotex has a convenient little ring) to make the slide go and like Katie said, they take forever and are a bitch. yay for plastic. Even if it is bad for the enviro.

-- Anonymous, February 10, 2001

I bought a box of tampons today. I had no idea they sold tampax in boxes of EIGHTY. I think I'm set for life now.

-- Anonymous, February 10, 2001

Wow, I had no idea OB tampons were looked down upon so much...I started off using them because that's what was under the sink when I first got my period, and now I actually find tampons with applicators extremely uncomfortable. I guess you need to be super-comfortable with your own body to shove a tampon in there with your own finger, but if you are, you have so much more control over where exactly it goes. =) Of course, nothing is better than Instead, but you have to put those in there with your own hand also.

-- Anonymous, February 10, 2001

it really sucks that so much of us are freaked out by putting our hands on our own bodies.

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2001

No kidding, get a grip guys.

And what the hell is wrong with pads? If you change them frequently, they aren't a problem. Sometimes I wear both (Tampons and pads), this is usually the first day it starts. I see nothing wrong with them, personally... as long as their not over-nighters. Those things practically cover your entire rear end.

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2001

Some people just don't like pads. They feel like they're wearing a diaper. Some people don't feel that way. It's all personal preference.

I used to wear tampons AND pads, up until about last year. I was majorly paranoid about overflowage, so I wanted the backup. I never needed the backup though, so it was all pointless. Besides, I can't stand pads at ALL.

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2001


-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

Pads are bulky, they bunch up into shapes and textures the Kimberly-Clark corporation probably *never* intended, they smell regardless of how often you change them, because blood contains minerals and smells metallic (and there's *nothing* body-hating or un-feminist about that, I might add. It's just true.), they're hell on earth when stuck to you in the sweltering summer heat, and they come in those evil little pink plastic baggie-contraptions, complete with plastic undersides to every cursed pad. Great for landfills! They'll be there in another century, rotting away merrily along with the diapers we all filled as babies twenty years before. Pads BITE!

-- Anonymous, June 10, 2001

I think I'm sort of late on my response here, but I've had some interesting things happen with the whole tampon/pad question. I used to be a devoted tampon user (Instead is great too). I had not used pads since I was 12 or something. I used to say all the time that it felt like sitting on a mattress of blood.

Recently I started seeing an acupressure therapist, who is trained in dealing with energy flow. He told me that many of his patients had noticed a substantial change in their general well being after switching to pads. He said that our bodies are trying to expel fluids and tampons keep the fluids for longer than intended which allows vaginal walls to reabsorb some of the menstrual blood. I was skeptical at first, but after switching back to pads (which I NEVER thought I would do), I am convinced. I feel much more in tune with my body, and when I have tried to use tampons again, I feel blocked in many ways.

Give it a try.

-- Anonymous, June 12, 2001

I really wish I hadn't read this string....


-- Anonymous, June 12, 2001

This string ... hahahaha

-- Anonymous, June 12, 2001

Dude, you go to NYU and you believe in "energy flow?" Jesus. I can see making an argument for pads, but not while using the phrase "Energy Flow." Has the Morse Academic Plan taught you nothing?


-- Anonymous, June 13, 2001

Oh now that just made for a bad visual, thanks a lot Katie. Thanks a real F'n Lot.

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2001

I read somewhere that some companies put asbestos into thier tampons to make women bleed more (and have to use more tampons). Doubt its true, but it sounds like something big, bad companies would do!

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2001

Re: Asbestos in tampons. This is not true, and even if it was at one point in time it's certainly not now. More info at http://www.snopes2.com /toxins/tampon.htm. It strays from asbestos to other substances in tampons later in the piece, but the point's the same: Tampons do not contain asbestos.

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2001

Like I said, I doubted it was true! But I am glad to know I don't have to worry about it...I probably read it in an ad for 'all natural, no preservatives added' tampons.

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2001

I never use a tampon because my cousin and my friends aunt had it stuck up there and the string broke so im fine w/ the pads..

-- Anonymous, August 11, 2001

I've never used a tampon b4, ive been trying this week to about 5 times i think n i never can haha i dunno y.....can neone give me tips on how i can? i dont really wanna use tampons but i think i should tryn it. im afraid of getting TSS. so whats the depro stuff? how old to u have to be to get it? i would liek to have that hehe. i cant stand having my period. well neway yah...bye!

-- Anonymous, August 25, 2001

About a month ago, i was on a cruise and i decided that this time, i'm seriously gonna have to insert that tampon! I've tried to do it before, but i couldn't get it in.. But i was desperate enough on the cruise and it went right in! I can honestly say that i think tampons are one of the best things in the world! I used to work out in a pad even on my heaviest days and it was DISGUSTING... Can you imagine? sweat, blood, and a heavy pad... As for brands, i like Tampax. That's only because i haven't tried anything else. Looks like Kotex is popular as well!

-- Anonymous, September 01, 2001

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