Gwen's Journal: A technical question : LUSENET : Gwen's Trailer Trash Forum : One Thread

I'm a relative newbie to Gwen's Trailer Trash Housewife/Career Girl page and I'm also very dense when it comes to subtlety. So I'm a little confused about Gwen's marital status and was wondering if someone could clear that up for me. Is she married? Divorced? Somewhere in-between? She mentions dropping off her kids and visiting them but then she refers to their father as her husband. Not ex-husband, just husband.

I'm sorry if I'm stepping on anyone's toes or touching upon a very sensitive topic, but I'm really getting into Gwen's journal and would like to understand what's going on.

Thanks, Chaz

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2001


Well, if you read her journal you will learn about what is going on in her marital life.

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2001

And it's all relatively recent, so it shouldn't be too hard to catch up fast.

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2001

I'm currently separated from my husband.

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2001

Another clue: Fairly recently = like November. LM

-- Anonymous, February 17, 2001

Who's "Gwen?"

-- Anonymous, February 18, 2001

Hi, Mike!

:) Gwen is a fellow journalist. This is the forum for her site, You're soaking in it.

-- Anonymous, February 19, 2001

Very well, Humans. I will spare your puny species to further ponder these things you call Gwen, and emotion, and pedicure. Perhaps even my advanced species may learn from your primative peoples.

-- Anonymous, February 19, 2001

You're so cute when you pretend to be a Borg.

I've got YOUR number, young man.

-- Anonymous, February 19, 2001

Mike, the next time we talk on the phone, I'm going to refer to you as Tiger Man and nothing else.

-- Anonymous, February 19, 2001

Ok, now I'm wondering if you're all making a mockery of Tiger Man.

-- Anonymous, February 19, 2001

Tiger Man! Tiger Man! Turn around! Tiger Man! Tiger Man! Touch the ground!

-- Anonymous, February 19, 2001

We would not taunt Happy Fun Tiger Man.

-- Anonymous, February 20, 2001

Mike, the next time we talk on the phone, I'm going to refer to you as Tiger Man and nothing else.

-- Gwen (, February 19, 2001

I get it now, this is why you and mike are so tight. Wonder how your husband felt? better yet, i'll email him this and you can explain.

-- Anonymous, March 25, 2001

That's a good idea. E-mail my husband, show him the interest you've taken in his personal life, and let us know how he responds. Go for it.

Dude, just tell me what you're trying to accomplish here so I can tell you it won't happen and we can all go on talking about liberal politics and hamsters. You don't sound cool. You aren't hurting my feelings or scaring me. You aren't going to run me off the Internet. Why don't you just give it up?

-- Anonymous, March 25, 2001

The only thing being accomplished here is newone and all of his 800 Sybil personalities showing how lame they are. I guess he thinks were all gonna say, "Wow! Newone is right! Why didn't I ever notice it before?"


-- Anonymous, March 25, 2001

Having 800 Sybil-like personalities on this particular board is not an idea that originated with "New1". To be one of the cool kids, it seems as if you have to have at least three. ;)

But I think you're right: the anonymous posters don't seem to ever be taken TOO seriously, do they? I know I'm unlikely to experience a seachange in my opinions based on something someone has typed under a pseudonym.

But everyone has a differently enabled idea of fun, and it is accepted and tolerated and indulged in rather prolifically here, so I suppose "New1" can't be accused of having had the smarts to think it up all by himself.

I don't see Gwen tolerating it if it ever gets her aggravated or if it ever gets to the point where she finds it annoying or disruptive or whatever (instead of curious, slightly amusing, pathetic boring and / or whatever she really thinks, as I'm not in a position to guess or speculate accurately. (My Magic 8-Ball is sulking this week.))


-- Anonymous, March 26, 2001

Uh, I think it's a bit beyond the "curious, slightly amusing, pathetic boring" stage...

-- Anonymous, March 26, 2001

I was just putting forth some alternatives and options, as I'm not, as I noted, in a position to speak for how or what Gwen is thinking. It was an observation, but one in which I was loathe to pretend that I can read anyone's mind. That's all. :)

(And I should have put a comma after "pathetic". Typos suck.)

-- Anonymous, March 26, 2001

I understood exactly what you were saying, Milla. Even without the comma.

Punctuation is a bitch.

-- Anonymous, March 26, 2001

Indeed! Also, not being able to edit once one has made a st00pid punctuation error is a bigger bitch. *grin*

-- Anonymous, March 26, 2001

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