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Headline: Debt smothers America's youth

Source: USA Today, 13 Feb 2001


As a freshman at the University of Houston in 1995, Jennifer Massey signed up for a credit card and got a free T-shirt. A year later, she had piled up about $20,000 in debt on 14 credit cards.

Paige Hall, 34, returned from her honeymoon in 1997 to find herself laid off from her job at an Atlanta mortgage company. She was out of work for four months. She and her husband, Kevin, soon were trying to figure out how to pay $18,200 in bills from their wedding, honeymoon and furnishings for their new home.

By the time Mistie Medendorp was 29, she had $10,000 in credit card debt and $12,000 in student loans.

Like no other generation, today's 18- to 35-year-olds have grown up with a culture of debt — a product of easy credit, a booming economy and expensive lifestyles. They often live paycheck to paycheck, using credit cards and loans to finance restaurant meals, high-tech toys and new cars they couldn't otherwise afford, according to market researchers, debt counselors and consumer advocates.

"Lenders are much more willing to take a risk on people under 25 than they were 15 years ago," says Nina Prikazsky, a vice president at student loan corporation Nellie Mae. "They will give out credit cards based on a college student's expected ability to repay the bills."

And young people are taking advantage of the offers. A study out today from Nellie Mae shows that the average credit card debt among undergraduate students soared by nearly $1,000 in the past two years. On average they owed $2,748 last year, up from $1,879 in 1998.

At a time when they could be setting aside money for a down payment on a home, many young people are mortgaging their financial future. Instead of getting a head start on saving for retirement, they are spending years digging themselves out of debt.

"I knew for a while that I had a problem. I wouldn't say I was living high on the hog, but when I wanted clothes, I'd buy a new outfit," says Medendorp, an Atlanta resident. "I'd go out to eat and charge it on my cards. There were a bunch of small expenses that added up and got out of control."

Massey, Hall and Medendorp each ended up seeking help from a local consumer credit counseling service. Hundreds of thousands more young people like them are turning to credit counseling or bankruptcy because they can no longer juggle their bills. In 1999 alone, an estimated 461,000 Americans younger than 35 sought protection from their creditors in bankruptcy, up from about 380,000 in 1991, according to Harvard Law School professor Elizabeth Warren, principal researcher in a national survey of debtors who filed for bankruptcy.

At the Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Greater Denver, more than half of all the clients are 18 to 35 years old, says Darrin Sandoval, director of operations. On average, they have 30% more debt than all other age groups, he says. "By the time they begin to settle into a suburban lifestyle, they are barely able to meet their debt obligations," says Sandoval. "If there is a job loss, an unexpected medical expense, or the birth of a child, they supplement their income with credit cards. Soon they are being financially crushed."

Debt heads

Unlike the baby boom generation — raised by Depression-era parents — young Americans today are often unfazed by the amount of debt they carry. "This generation has lived through a time when everything was on the upswing," says J. Walker Smith, president of Yankelovich Partners, a market research firm. "There is no sense of worry about being over-leveraged. It all seems to work out."

Kevin Jackson, a 32-year-old software engineer in Denver, has about $8,000 in credit card debt and a $20,000 home equity loan. He doesn't believe he has a debt problem, though his goal is to reduce his credit card balance to $2,000. "You learn to live with a certain amount of debt," he says. "It's a means to an end. There is something to be said for paying for everything and something to be said for enjoying life, as long as you do it responsibly."

Unfortunately, enjoying life can be expensive, especially for many young Americans who feel it's essential to have the latest high-tech products and services, such as a cellphone, pager, voice mail, a computer with a second phone line or a DSL connection, an Internet Service Provider and a Palm Pilot.

Jackson just bought a DVD player and a big-screen TV. "I try to control costs," he says. "I easily could have spent $5,000 on the TV, but instead I paid $2,000 and I got a one-year, no-interest deal."

Movies, TV shows and advertising only reinforce the idea that young people are entitled to have an affluent lifestyle. "We're encouraged to overspend," says Jason Anthony, 31, co-author of Debt-free by 30, a book he wrote with a friend after they found themselves drowning in debt. "We all see shows like Melrose Place and Beverly Hills 90210. It creates tremendous pressure to keep up. I'm one of the few persons who think a recession will be good for my generation. Our expectations are so elevated. In the frenzy to keep up, we've gotten into financial trouble. "

The perils of plastic

Consumers like Massey, who get bogged down in credit card debt before they even graduate from college, learn the hard way about managing money. Now 24 and married, Massey has a good job in marketing. She has cut up her credit cards and is gradually repaying her debts. But there have been consequences: She had to explain to her boss that without a credit card, she cannot travel for work if it involves renting a car or booking a hotel reservation on her own. She had to tell her husband about her debt problems before they were married.

"I lack confidence now," Massey says. "I'm hard on myself because of my mistakes. But I blame the credit card companies and the university for allowing them to promote the cards on campus without educating students about credit."

The percentage of undergraduate college students with a credit card jumped from 67% in 1998 to 78% last year, according to the Nellie Mae study. And many of them are filling their wallets with cards. Last year, 32% said they had four or more cards, up from 27% two years earlier.

Although graduate students have an even bigger appetite for credit, they are starting to show some signs of restraint. Their average debt declined slightly from $4,925 in 1998 to $4,776 last year, Nellie Mae says.

Many young people will be saddled with credit card debts for years, experts say. Among all age groups, credit card holders younger than 35 are the least likely to pay their bills in full each month, according to Robert Manning, author of Credit Card Nation.

Though credit cards and uncontrolled spending are a combustible combination, many young people are pushed to the financial edge by the staggering cost of college. The average annual tuition at a four-year private university jumped to $16,332 last year, from $7,207 in 1980, according to the College Board. Between 1991 and 2000, the average student loan burden among households under 35 increased nearly 142% to $15,700, according to an exclusive analysis of the finances of 18- to 34-year-olds for USA Today by Claritas, a San Diego-based market research firm.

And those who choose to go on and get a graduate degree pay an even higher price. Another Nellie Mae study found that those who borrow for graduate work, and specifically those in expensive professional programs in law and medicine, are likely to have unusually high debt burdens that are not always offset by comparably high salaries.

Karen Mann didn't need a survey to come to that conclusion. Her husband, Michael, is about to start his career as an orthopedic surgeon after racking up $400,000 in loans during four years of undergraduate school, four years of medical school, one year in an MBA program and a five-year residency program. During his residency and a subsequent fellowship, they have deferred payments and some of the interest on his student loans. But soon they'll have to begin paying them off.

The interest payment alone is now $20,000 a year.

The Manns are not extravagant. "I've always saved, and I have a budget," says Karen, 31. "I'd love to buy a house, but there's no way. We haven't been able to afford kids yet. The loans are so awesome that you do get crazy."

Paying for everything with cash

The Manns are not alone in having to defer important goals because of heavy debt loads. Medendorp, a social worker in Decatur, Ga., now lives on a budget and is diligently paying her bills with the help of a Consumer Credit Counseling Service debt-management plan. She pays for everything with cash. There are many things she'd like to do but can't afford, like having laser eye surgery, going back to school and buying a home.

"When you get in a tar pit, forget about buying a home," says author Anthony. "Instead of saving for a down payment, you're making credit card payments."

At a time when the overall U.S. homeownership rate has risen to historic highs, young Americans are less likely than people their age 10 years ago to buy a home. The homeownership rate for heads of households younger than 35 has declined from 41.2% in 1982 to 39.7% in 1999, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. And if they own a home, young people tend to make smaller down payments or borrow against what equity they have. As a result, the average amount of equity accumulated by homeowners younger than 35 has shrunk to about $49,200 in 1999, from $57,100 10 years earlier, according to a study from the Consumer Federation of America.

"For middle-income Americans, the most important form of private savings is home equity," says Stephen Brobeck, executive director of the Consumer Federation of America. "It's essential to have paid off a mortgage by retirement so that living expenses are lower and one has an asset that can be borrowed on or sold if necessary."

By almost every measure, young people are falling behind. Between 1995 and 1998, the median net worth of families rose for all age groups except for the under-35 group. Their median net worth declined from $12,700 to $9,000, according to the Federal Reserve.

That is not to say that young people today are slackers and deadbeats, as they have sometimes been characterized. They work hard and often make good incomes. Although they may have a lot of debt, they also are very focused on saving and investing, especially through 401(k)-type retirement accounts. Jackson, for example, contributes the maximum to his 401(k) plan.

"They want to protect themselves against future uncertainty," Smith says. "They absolutely don't expect that Social Security will be around for them."

But it's hard to save money if you are head over heels in debt. Massey earns $32,000 a year. With her husband, their annual income is more than $100,000. "But we're still broke trying to pay our bills," she says.

-- Andre Weltman (, February 13, 2001


The answer to our lousy economy and high debt? Get rid of NAFTA, get rid of free trade, raise import tariffs to thier historic 47%, encourage domestic manufacture of goods by changing industry regulations that favor large companies. Most of our stuff on the shelves come from China. That's just plain disgusting. Read Dr. Ravi Batra's book "The myth of Free Trade" for the complete story. It will completely change your outlook on free trade.

-- Grant Swafford (, February 18, 2001.

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