Liverpool: bigger fecking gloryhunting gets than Man Utd? : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Sorry, but we've had an influx of new people and still, my workplace stat remains, I don't know single Liverpool supporter who comes from Liverpool. They are ALL from Northern Ireland or Surrey. While I do know one or two Mancs who are Mancs. Scariest of all, though, is the Kiwi who supports Sunderland. SAFC - a global brand...

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2001


And while I'm on one: SPOT THE SCOUSER ON THE KOP.

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2001

Well, I for one will stand up for Dancin' Dave. He's a Mickey. Also a fair few in wor neck o' the woods (Runcorn, South Murkyside). You need to get out a bit Dougal ;-)

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2001

While at Uni I lived with 3 scousers (one from Wirral, so borderline) who all followed Liverpool. And there was a Smog from Guisborough with a hare-lip.

Never before or since have I met a scouse called Giles.

-- Anonymous, February 15, 2001

A Liverpool fan has been stabbed in Rome.

-- Anonymous, February 15, 2001

Personally, of the circle of people I know, after ManUtd, Leeds seem to have the largest following of non-locals. They usually get away with it a bit more, though, because they've supported them for a while through some very variable patches. It's a bit silly really thinking about it - because my stats are distorted by the fact a good friend is Liverpool fan from Liverpool originally, and obviously has lots of Liverpool mates.

-- Anonymous, February 15, 2001

Liverpool fans were the original Gloria Hunter. I remember at school near Reading I got into a fight with a "Liverpool fan" when he took the mick out of my Northern twang. I was a wit & called him a thieving gypsy yokel but I got a bit of a kicking as it srarted as a football argument & all his "scouse" mates joined in. I've hated Liverpool on the basis of their glory fans almost as much as Manure.

-- Anonymous, February 15, 2001

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