
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread


-- Anonymous, February 17, 2001


Get in !

-- Anonymous, February 17, 2001

8000 Wham fans, SOS only 3/4 full, says a lot

-- Anonymous, February 17, 2001

Did you see the amount of empty seats both along the side and behind the goal?

Mackems stayed at home and watched it on the telly etc etc


-- Anonymous, February 17, 2001

Heh heh. The peasants oot of the cup, my new TV has arrived and me car has been fixed. I feel a cracking weekend coming on. this obviously means I will go oot and pull a supermodel the neet......

-- Anonymous, February 17, 2001

The chimps were shown up for what they are - caught short. Yes, they were a few short on the pitch, as well as a lot short in the stands. The first is because of a lack of investment and a lack of talent to back-fill. The second becasue they are Mackems.

WHam played a good game. Psycho was outstanding. Gullit - arrggghhh! At last Dougal can breathe more easily, knowing that the Mackems won't win owt this season. Indeed, with 3 more bookings, and Quinn looking decidely fragile in the shoulder, then they could well be without a number of first-teamers for a number of games this season. Tee hee.

-- Anonymous, February 17, 2001

Are we all READY TO GO? and wind them up?

-- Anonymous, February 17, 2001

"Are we all READY TO GO? and wind them up?"

Erm, wake me up before you go-go?

-- Anonymous, February 18, 2001

Just goes to show that they're Living on a Prayer

-- Anonymous, February 18, 2001

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