it's snow joke : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Know it's very early in the week...and I don't want to tempt fate but...latest national TV weather reports are forecasting cold snap and snow for "up north" this weekend. Anyone got better info re more local forecasts? Should make a nice change from La Manga.

-- Anonymous, February 19, 2001


Great, the longer our lot stay away from a football pitch the better.

-- Anonymous, February 19, 2001

BBC Weather Bulletin 1.30pm Tuesday:

"Parts of the North East may be in line for some heavy snowfall this weekend."

Best bring a brush.

-- Anonymous, February 20, 2001

Just the groundskeepers at SJP cover the pitch when this type of weather is expected? Would certainly making clearing it easy. Might not do much to keep from freezing though.

-- Anonymous, February 20, 2001

If I travel to Newcastle for the fecking game to be called off again, I will go mental. They may be reluctant to use the undersoil heaters as they buggered up the pitch so much at Christmas. Mind, that would be some end of season fixture pile up if it was called off...

-- Anonymous, February 20, 2001

Niall and Biffa say it's going to be -7 on Saturday with heavy snowfall. Assuming that they are as accurate in the art of soothsaying the weather as they are at summarising our matchday performances, you can only assume that this fixture ain't going ahead. It'll be gutting if it doesn't happen and won't help morale one bit. Also, we need to start getting points on the board rather than games in the bush.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

I thought someone once said "One in the hand is better than two (Soton and City) in the bush. Or did I misunderstand??

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Yes...latest forecast (Weds AM) looks worrying. Lots of heavy snow heading for North East.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

Let`s hope that if it is going to be cancelled, they are in a position to make the decision a bit earlier this time. (:o|

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

F me this is my swansong before i head to Australia next Sunday .. i wont be able to live with meself not having a memory of giving someone a godd twanking at SJP .... really really bad news , sh11111te:-((

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001

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