Politicis - Who paid for Chelsea's party and Bill and Denise

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Cindy Adams, PageSix.com


ABOUT our current president-in-the-shadows, I hear little; about our ex-president-in-exile, I hear lots:

For openers, gleeful types are now scratching into Chelsea's birthday party last week at the Hudson. Some scratchers have determined it was no-way-Jose paid for by any Clinton alive. Some scratchees have admitted it was a comp job. Those with nothing better to do are even as we speak pawing the earth to learn who footed Bill and Hill's bill.


MORE. We speak now of Beth Dozoretz. She's William Jefferson's dear and true fund-raiser friend who clocked one White House visit per week last year. She's the ka-ching ka-ching Dem cash register who was in Aspen skiing with chum Denise Rich and fellow chum Andrew Cuomo when Clinton called to report Marc Rich had been granted his freebie. She's the know-it-all money machine who knows so much that she's told investigators she'll take the Fifth.

Amidst all that, Mrs. Dozoretz, who doesn't know from low profile, was already collecting for the next batch. Just last week she called a handful of New York CEOs to hustle them for Andrew Cuomo's gubernatorial campaign.

The king is dead. Long live the next candidate.


OH, just one more thing, because what good's my knowing something if nobody knows I know it. The night of one of those Gore-Bush TV debates, where did Bill watch it? At Denise's.

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2001

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