?Nooksack and Spirit Mtn (PV)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Team SF : One Thread

I have heard that there are some very good games at Nooky and Spirit Mtn. Do any of you have experience there that you could share? Especially info on shuffles and pen? Thanks. And thanks, Gman for the info on Tunica; I'll be going there in a couple of weeks. PV

-- Anonymous, March 05, 2001



Nooky, huh? That is good, but I do prefer StayFrog's Nutsack.

-- Anonymous, March 07, 2001

Hey Rob,

did you play these? anything trackable? Bet limits?


-- Anonymous, April 03, 2001

PV (or anyone)

I could not find a reference to spirit mountain. Where is it what is it? is it worth playing when I am there at the end of the month ??


-- Anonymous, April 05, 2001

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