Anyone work with Charities or non-profit groups : LUSENET : FRL friends : One Thread

I appologise for the intrusion here -- (posting of a somewhat commercial nature) but I feel that the benefits will very significantly outweight the slight possability of inconvenience. If you or anyone you know is working with a charity or non-profit group it is vitally inportant that you let them know about this information immediately because the fast approaching deadline for them to take advantage of this is March 31, 2001. For Immediate Release

John and Maureen Getson are proud to introduce a simple, risk-free, powerful way for non-profit organizations to dramatically increase their funding through sales generated on the groups' own completely free Web site. Their Web site is highly personalizable, i.e.; you could include your mission statement and fundraising goals, etc. right on your home page. And provides a very unique way to reward supporters for their contributuions.

The incredible offer is made possible through their belief that associates should significantly contribute to the communities in which they do business. Therefore, until April, 2001 the normal set-up cost of US $199.95/CN $289.95, along with the monthly maintenance cost of US $19.95/CN $29.95 will be waived indefinitely for all 501-C3 (US)/RR charitable (CN) non-profit organizations.

"We are thrilled that our associates are able to offer this tremendous opportunity in time for the holidays," said Watkins President Mark Jacobs. What is most exciting is that this simple yet revolutionary concept allows all non-profit groups to develop a new, consistent revenue stream while also making it enjoyable, as well as practical for their supporters to contribute.

Fundraising made easy with WatkinsOnline!

Organization supporters will be able to make selections from more than 350 unique high-quality / high-value consumable essentials that people are already buying somewhere else and gift baskets designed for healthier living.

The revolutionary concept allows non-profit organizations to make approximately 19%-33% of every retail dollar generated on their own complete, user-friendly ecommerece Website at absolutely no cost.

No hidden costs or processing fees and FREE shipping and handling for your supporters orders over US$ 75 / CDN$ 99

Affiliation with a award-winning company that originated the money-back satisfaction guarantee and has been famous for quality and integrity since 1868.

And best of all, a customer loyalty program that rewards and encourages your supporters to generate revenues every month for the organization.

Taking advantage of this opportunity is easy.

The non-profit organization simply needs to;

1) go to and click on "Join as a Non-profit Organization", and

2) Complete the simple sign-up for that entitles their group to its own free Watkins e-commerce Website complete with their own ID and password. Enter the following associates name JOHN & MAUREEN GETSON and ID # 318831 on the form to activate their site.

3) Personalize the organizations Watkins Website.

4) Encourage their supporters and friends to shop for their monthly essentials and gift-giving needs at their Website. For those who prefer toll-free ordering or by mail, be sure to give them the organization's new ID#.

For more information please contact: John and Maureen Getson 933 Rte 127, Richmond, PE CANADA C0B 1Y0 by phone at (902) 854-2778 or by email at

-- John Getson (, March 08, 2001


I applaud your efforts John, but this may not be the most fertile forum for any expected responses. Mostly we're full of poetry and whimsy, with a bit of little tall tales and stories in the mix. But lately, it seems that every one is on an internet vacation or something. I'm dismayed everytime I log on at how silent this once boisterous place has become.

Anyway, I"ll tell my cuz, Iggie Chalmet about your offer. He's the president of the Jiggle Juice factory, and that's the only thing I can think of around here that's non-profit, even if it's not s'posed to be.

Hang around awhile, and absorb some of the foolishness in the archives. I'm sure some of the others will be along directly.


-- Lon Frank (, March 11, 2001.

LOL, Lon :-D

Better hope that Iggy doesn't tell you-know-who!

-- Tricia the Canuck (, March 11, 2001.

Hey Tricia,

Tell me what you know about fibromyalgia and nutrition. Have you heard of treating it with guaifenesin? (or however ya spell it)? I have a friend in constant pain from it.

Is this a shameless spam or what?


-- gene (doggydoo@dump.set), March 11, 2001.

How do you mispell that whatever he is supposed to be sick with??

Seems to me that you got no business being sick of something you can't typerite......or typewrong.

-- Robert A. Cook, PE (Marietta, GA) (, March 12, 2001.


Fibromyalgia is properly spelled, although I wasn't sure about that when I typed it. At least it is spelled in accordance with my view of reality from within my particular world view, which is just as valid as anyone else's world view, especially in this crowd which tends to have a skewed perspective on everything anyway, seeing as how we are all regarded as 'kooks' simply because we recognize that everyone on this planet is out to get us and we have to take steps to remain anomolous for our own safety, which, although it is important to us, is at present severely compromised due, not only to the present economic difficulties, but also to the latent y2k problems, along with a superfluity of dimpled and hanging chads.

Now, if you want to criticize my spell-checker, go right ahead. But I am acknowledged to be a purty good spelur.

-- gene (, March 13, 2001.

With all dew humility and modesty .... I do suspect, kind sire, that I can mispell faster than most on this here forum.

Now, if you wish to meet at high dawn, at the crack of doom, before the robins get up to find their worms... to meet me in the middle of the main street to dual it out with your choice of spell-checkers and spell-chessers and spell-castors, feel free. I welcome the challenge.

That is, I'll welcome the challenge, I just won't be there to meet you...... because, you see, I'll still probably be home in bed since I don't like to get up early.


-- Robert A. Cook, PE (Marietta, GA) (, March 14, 2001.

Lol, Robert :-D

Better becareful about starting another duel, though. As I recall, the last one ended up with flaming fruitcakes being tossed about and bombs going off, no wait, it was cannons, and it was so scary that I ducked and didn't come out again 'til someone goosed me (prolly SOBob, he's the one with the goose for most of the year ;-)

Anyway, Gene, I don't know too much about fibromyalgia. One of my co-workers has it and is treating it (fairly successfully) with some sort of nutritional supplements, I'll ask her which ones, if you like. I also recieve a number of alternative health news letters, and I'll see what I can find in them. Send me an e (my addy's write :-) and I'll let you know what I can find.

The only thing other than what the meaning of the word is (fibro=fibers my=muscle algia=pain, muscle fiber pain), that I know about fibromyalgia is that people with it often have disturbed sleep, and don't get much deep sleep, so don't release as much HGH as others (or so the theory goes).

Hope I can be of help.

-- Tricia the Canuck (, March 15, 2001.

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