Here's how you can get your own copy of the Brownie Hawkeye Manual : LUSENET : Brownie Cameras : One Thread

Hi, Brownie guys and gals!

I've scanned the Brownie Hawkeye Flash Model user's manual into an online photo album at! Go to Chuck's "Gallery of the Brownie Shooters" and click on my name, and after you enjoy looking at my photos there, click on the icon "More Album Pics". This will take you to my other albums, one of which is named, logically enough, "Brownie Hawkeye Manual". You are free to copy and paste and print and whatever - but don't try to sell it or the Manual Police will come and write you a ticket!

-- Peter Lutz (, March 09, 2001


Thanks for your time and efforts, Peter. I am going to be posting some of my own Brownie photographs on my website in the very near future. For now, I have some of my other photography there if anyone would like to take a look.

Thanks! Ned

-- Ned Fenimore (, March 09, 2001.

Thanks for your time and efforts, Peter. I am going to be posting some of my own Brownie photographs on my website in the very near future. For now, I have some of my other photography there if anyone would like to take a look.

Thanks! Ned

-- Ned Fenimore (, March 09, 2001.

Just wanted to add that the Kodak Tourist II manual has also found a place of honor in my page. Follow the same directions in my original posting and you'll find a beautiful color scan of the manual.

-- Peter Lutz (, March 13, 2001.

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