Galveston, TX : LUSENET : Gwen's Trailer Trash Forum : One Thread

I haven't been there since I was a little girl, and I'm thinking about taking a trip there -- solo (i.e., no SO) -- next weekend. So have any of you been there in a while? What's the safety factor? What should I not miss? Clue me in.

I thought, what with the moderator of this site/forum being from Texas and all, you guys might be able to tell me something.

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2001


Eva, I'm only good for San Diego. BTW, Southern CA folks. I'm thinking 'bout April-May for a get together. Start collecting Gwen idols. James, ya with me?

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2001

What'm I, chopped liver?

And all I know about Galveston is that there's a hokey song about it that I get mixed up with "Amarillo By Morning"....

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2001

The last time I was there (about 3 years ago, maybe 4) the Strand had become the nicest area to walk around and shop and look at little art galleries.

You have to have dinner at Gaido's. I may have spelled that wrong, and I am not sure why you must, but I think you must. I think it's law. I don't remember much about the food, but I know it's considered one of the best restaurants on the island. Fisherman's Wharf has the best shrimp Po Boys.

If you get really bored and have a car, go out to East Beach at the very end of the island at night. Unless things have drastically changed, there will be a bunch of cars parked full of teenagers looking for trouble and pregnancy.

I think Moody Gardens is a nice place to walk around, if you dig flowers.

Okay, obviously I don't know any of the really good stuff. Mostly I know how to be a teenager in Galveston, but I'm just guessing at the grown-up stuff. Maybe Gwen or Letty have better ideas.

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2001

Moody Gardens is much more than gardens too. It's 3D IMAX, aquariums, rain forests with birds, fish and butterflies, a small NASA exhibit, and a paddleboat (with dancing, R&B)... it's fun, go when it's not crowded (I don't know when that is though). Take a camera.

And it's near a flight museum if that's your bag, or take an introductory flight lesson at the airport... cheap, and you get to be at the controls in the air.

Also, try the Sunday brunch at The Galvez, a historic hotel... staying there is nice, but you can't miss the brunch. Drinking mimosas on the veranda in wicker chairs, watching the waves... :)

And if you stay at the Galvez or the Flagship (on the pier), you'll be on the trolley route to the Strand. It takes you by some lovely houses and you don't need to deal with parking. I recommend taking the trolley to the Strand.

Have fun!

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2001

Aa-a-ah, Spring break on Galveston...oh, to be young again. Go downtown and let your nose be your guide for places to eat. There's also a photgrapher's studio just off Strand Blvd (I can't remember the name) where they have all these outrageous period costumes you can dress up in and have sepia-toned portraits taken...that was fun for my wife and me. And if you're in to the unusual...hit the army- navy surplus store. When we where there they had a huge assortment of really cool clothing from different European armies that was brand new for cheap. I got a powder blue, double-breasted, knee-length 1005 wool overcoat (Swiss military) that would have cost a bundle. It had some funky militarty buttons on it but my wife bought replacement gold-tone buttons at Walmart. I wore it a couple of times this winter (it's very dress-up looking) and everyone admired it. Very warm. You're going to love your visit. My wife and I often go for the nightlife alone even though it's over an hour away.

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2001

Kelcey -- hi! How are you?

I haven't been to Galveston in a million years and when I did go, it was for the beach and not much else. My kids went Friday and said they saw 4 jellyfish.

I went to Baybrook Mall today and almost cried when I heard/saw the seagulls. I'm half-considering driving down to Galveston tomorrow or sometime soon, so I'm glad you started this thread, Eva.

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2001

Hi Gwen, I'm doing great! Busy traveling with my job... I occasionally lurk on your site when I have time, 'cause I'm addicted to it. I hope you have fun in Galveston!

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2001

Hey Gwen, I used to work at the Natural Wonders at Baybrook mall. About 5 years ago, if any of you ever went there and saw a girl in a too short skirt with too tall chunky heels flamenco dancing as she worked, that was me!

I was the Flamenco Queen of Baybrook Mall.

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2001

Hey Eva.

I love the little man-made pool at Moody Gardens called Palm Beach. It is clean water and good sun (and shade by umbrella if you want it). It is not too deep, but it is nice to walk into. They also have a hot tub in that area.

I love the Strand for shopping/walking. Drive out to Kemah if you get a chance. Dinner there or at Gaido's. Let's see. There is this great little Mexican restuarant (cheap too) off 61st St. I think it is called El Nopal, the food is wonderful.

Oh, take a ride on the ferry. I've seen dolphins a lot there lately. There's this old fort, the name escapes me right now, but it is a state park too. There's grass and the fort ruins and you can camp there overnight. Just don't get stuck in there, we didn't realize one time that the gates are shut and locked at 8pm. Who ever is in, is in for the night.

Don't pass up the chance to see the architechture. If you are into the historical tours, go on one. There's this great little park and ballroom on Avenue O. off the main roads. It is shaped like an octagon. It is a historical place that we just ran into, so to speak.

I was actually there the on February fourth. I go over there a lot. It is a great place to just talk a walk or get on rollerblades or just sit and talk to friends. I love it. It's no Pacific Ocean, but it's the only ocean I have right now. I really do love it.

Gwen!!! Let's go on a mini vacation. How's May sound? Letty

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2001

It sounds good. Name the date. (The baby's birthday is the 6th, though.)

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2001

Ok. Everybody sing..." Galveston, oh Galveston, la de la da da... Help me out here Glen. James

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2001

I forgot about El Nopal (although in my head it's El Napol). When I was a teenager, I used to go there and get their huge bean and cheese burritos. Wonderful place owned by wonderful people.

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2001

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