The Bells : LUSENET : The Work of Edgar Allan Poe : One Thread

I have read The Bells quite a few times and I think that it is about the life of a person; part one being thier childhood, part two being thier marriage, part 3 being thier death, and part four being thier family and friends mourning for them. I am going to be using what the some poems are about for a school report. If you know what the true topic of this poem is please tell me.

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2001


I think that The Bells was the worst poem ever

-- Anonymous, April 16, 2001

I think that The Bells was the worst poem ever but I agree with u on what it is about

-- Anonymous, April 16, 2001

Definitely a late reply to this, but in response to what the bells are representing as a life cycle I don't feel that the "wedding" aspect is entirely correct. The life cycle of the poem, in terms of the bells seems to me to be more like this:

Silver bells -> birth Golden bells -> early-life/adolescense Brazen bells -> mid-life Iron bells -> end-life/death (also after-life)

Perhaps just some food for thought if anyone reads this. I recently wrote a paper about this poem discussing Poe's seemingly recurring themes of obsession and life/death/supernatural. I personally think this poem holds down these qualities in a shorter, more concise, manner while still displaying both aspects of his writing. Just my opinion, though.

-- Anonymous, October 17, 2001

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