Summer program : LUSENET : Camp Lutherhaven : One Thread

Can anyone tell me what bible passage is that is being used for the summer program this year? I forgot. Thanks.

-- Josh Wolfe (, March 14, 2001


Hey Josh, I think it is Hewbrews 12, maybe a little at the end of 11 also. It shouldn't matter though because you have the whole bible memorized.. right??? Speaking of which, I can't wait to get out there and see all you guys again. dave

-- David (, March 14, 2001.

It's so's Hebrews Chapter 11-12:1-3. Cool stuff...the theme is "More to This Life!" Did you know that all those people in Hebrews lived their life knowing that there was something more than just what was before them? It's going to be an awesome summer!

-- Rebecca Smith (, March 21, 2001.

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