Rat kill'n device! Works on birds and mice too!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

For all those that want to exterminate pests ie: rats, mice, birds. I've completed the "rat zapper" and done a "test drive" on it this morning. Went' to ole jeeps house and demonstrated it for'm as he's have'n problems with sparrows attempt'n to take over. I have taken the pictures of it with the HUGE capacitor installed. I even tried it out. Boy! Talk about work'n!!!! Now, I'm not sure just how powerful it is but am reasonably sure it will kill a human being--if they touch the wrong thing! For rats, mice and birds I'll use a smaller capacitor [off an a/c fan] which would not kill a human but would a dog or cat. These things will have to be placed where nothing can get to it except what your "gun'n for". Im sure this one with the HUGE capacitor will blow the legs off rats etc. I'll have pictures of it loaded into the puter this evening. I don't know how to post it or anything like that. If ya'll want to see it-email me and I'll send it as an attatchment. I'm too puter dumb to know how to do it any other way. Happy huntin! ole hoot. Matt.24:44

-- hoot (hoot@pcinetwork.com), March 14, 2001


Count me in... I'd like to see ANYTHING that can get rid of the D****d mice!!!! S'pose it'd work on coons, too... Furry little theives(!!!!)

-- Sue Diederich (willow666@rocketmail.com), March 14, 2001.

I have a question! Does anybody know how to send these pictures of the rat cooker that doesn't take so long? I just emailed one to terri and it took over 30 minutes to send theemail with attatchment of two picts. I think I have 3 others want'n pictures of'm. hoot. Matt.24:44

-- hoot (hoot@pcinetwork.com), March 14, 2001.

When you scan and/or save the pictures reduce the resolution to 600- 900 pixels.

-- Lynn Goltz (lynngoltz@aol.com), March 15, 2001.

The proper way if you scan grayscale save it as 266 dpi and save it out in .jpeg format. If you do color use RGB channel, scan at 133 dpi bring down the resolution to 72 dpi (minimum) and also save it as .jpeg format. It makes files much smaller without sacrificing too much quality. I'm a technical illustrator specializing in Adobe Illustrator, PhotoShop, and so forth. John 3:16

-- David Cripe (cripeland@aol.com), March 15, 2001.

Re: pix file size & such

Go to the following URL and get Irfanview


It's under 1 MB, so it won't take all day to get it to your PC. You can change sizes, color depths, and file formats. It's free and it works. I didn't know there was a home page until started plundering around for this post. I originally downloaded it from a NASA site.


-- j (jw_hsv@yahoo.com), March 15, 2001.

Update! Sorry folks. I'm hav'n problems with this massive puter and also my SLOW isp. Seems that everything I try something else goes wrong. I'll attempt to get things work'n this evenin ---with help, of course. I can't even email it now--politicans in the puter rekon. hoot. Matt.24:44

-- hoot (hoot@pcinetwork.com), March 15, 2001.

hoot,, put them on a site,, then post the addy

-- Stan (sopal@net-port.com), March 15, 2001.

Well hoot, I reckon you have an old PC…, probably with limited RAM, hard drive and slower mHz speed. That would be the slow down factor because the higher the resolution (of the image), it slows the performance of your 'puter system. So keep "puttering" with your 'puter (pun intended)!

-- David Cripe (cripeland@aol.com), March 16, 2001.

Hey David! NOpee! Puter is less than a year old. Celeron 32meg. 4.3 gig and 56k. I have problems inside the puter and can't get anything done with it until this weekend. I can't even upload pictures from the camera. I'm having troubles opening sites too. The troubles I"m hav'n online is the ISP. It was connecting at 24,400 last nite. I'll post the pictures to my webpage [thanks Stan for the suggestion] when we get it work'n. We're also gonna post a picture of Old Jake, the mule, for those want'n to seem'm. Matt.24:44

-- hoot (hoot@pcinetwork.com), March 16, 2001.

Hey hoot…, when you mention 32 meg, is it as in RAM size? And the 4.3 gig as in hard drive size? Anyway, it sounds like you've the problem narrowed down. I was going to say sometimes (with any puter) reinstalling the system software or zapping the PRAM usually helps clear things up. Sometimes a small "init" file get corrupted and can throw your whole system out of whack – which can be very frustrating, especially when you just can't figure which one it is. I'm the iMac user anyway, so my system and problems differs from yours. Pleasure to be of any help.

-- David Cripe (cripeland@aol.com), March 16, 2001.

Hoot, have you "defrag"ed lately? My computer flys once it's defraged. You probably know how but for those who don't:

If you have win98 press "start" in lower left corner; go to "programs"; then go to "accessories"; then to "system tools"; then click once on "disk defragmenter" It will ask if you want to defrag drive C (your hard drive or physical drive). Press ok for it to defrag. Will take a few minutes but well worth the wait. This process needs to be done on a regular schedule and can be added to the 'scheduled tasks' menu. I schedule mine to defrag in the wee morning hours, when the computer is not in use, at least once a week. Hope this helps speed-up things for you. If you already do this - consider this free support info for others who read this forum.

-- Eve in FL (owenall@lwol.com), March 19, 2001.

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