How to capture 60 min VHS fit into 700 MB VCD? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I'm having a problem in capturing 60 mins VHS by using ATI radeon All in wonder. Many times I try to capture the right platform to fit to 700 Megs but the result I created more than 1 gig MPEG file. I'm using U-lead Video Studio 4.01. Thanks I'd appreciate your answer.

-- Hendra Wijaya (, March 15, 2001


Are u capturing ur video as an .mpg? Actually the capture format doesn't really matter(as long as it's not .rm or .mov!). Even if the capture size is really huge, u should use some software (try TMPEnc// to convert that file to a VCD compliant .mpg, the resulting file shouldn't be more than 650 megs. That WILL fit on one cd. Don't forget...a 650 meg CD can hold 74 mins of video :)

-- SwackHammer1 (, March 17, 2001.

The Capture data rate does not matter that much. If you can capture close to 44k for audio and 352x240 for the video then the program you use to convert that file to the video cd standard will have no problem. The compliance data rate for video cd is 9.8MB per minute and as you can see 60 minutes of video will fit on a 650 MB disk. Capture at a high data rate to get the best resulting conversion to video cd..

-- Steeler (, March 17, 2001.

I have trouble too. i just to use LINUX OS to Studio Editing can Any one to help it.


-- Hermawan (, April 08, 2003.

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