"runt" standard poodles -- cautions? expectations? size?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Poodle Support Group : One Thread

hello, I am looking for information about Standard "runts". I have fallen for the runt of a large litter [11 puppies] of Standard poodles. Neither of the parents are especially large dogs. This "runt" [the breeder is annoyed by my using this term; he says he isnt' a runt; but to the layperson, this is a runt, he's about 3/4 the size of the larger males -- that is, all the other males.]

Is there anything I should know about runts? he has great spirit, is quite "feminine" [which I read somewhere just this evening on line is typical of male runts] and seems healthy; he's just thin [again by comparison with his litter mates]. And his head is quite small/narrow.

The breeder says he may sudddenly grow to be just as large as the rest. I want to believe this, because I love very large standards, but something tells me it just isn't going to happen.

He and his litter were born on Feb.3.01. He was switched to another mother who had fewer pups just four days later.

How big can I expect a dog to grow who is 3/4 the size of his peers? Will he be 3/4 the size when grown? Should any alarms bells be ringing?

Please help!


-- Anonymous, March 20, 2001


I am in exactly the same situation. did you end up getting the puppy? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2001

I had a 'runt' in a litter of Standard Poodles last year. He surpassed his littermates' size at about 7 weeks. At 11 months, he is bigger than either his mom or his dad.

-- Anonymous, January 21, 2002

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