How to win friends............. : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

...and influence people.

-- Anonymous, March 20, 2001


So it looks like JFH will be up for grabs during the summer...what an


-- Anonymous, March 20, 2001

Thanks Screach.

My word it goes quiet on here at this time of the evening doesn't it? I'm sitting here taking part in the world's most tedious teleconference, desperate for a bit of light entertainment (I nearly said relief there but thought better of lobbing that one in your general direction).

Oh well, suppose I'd better make another daft comment down the telephone then. Thing is, they'll only take it seriously...

-- Anonymous, March 20, 2001

"One year I play for a team that is relegated, like Atletico, and next year I play for a team that goes nowhere, like Chelsea.

He also hinted that he is not getting on with his fellow players at Stamford Bridge.

"When we train my team-mates are constantly saying stupid things, like: 'Hey, Jimmy, do you know where we were last season without you? Now you are here and we are trying not to get relegated'."

Or as some baldy bloke once said (allegedly) "Ever think it might be you?"

-- Anonymous, March 20, 2001

One year I play for a team that is relegated, like Atletico, and next year I play for a team that goes nowhere, like Chelsea.

They should sell him to us to really teach him a lesson ...

-- Anonymous, March 20, 2001

Is this guy a hump, or what?

-- Anonymous, March 20, 2001

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