Food grade stainless steel for maple syruping. : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

We are in the process of tapping our maples for sap to make into maple syrup. We are going to make a stainless steel canning container. We have the stainless steel,but we need to know if it is "food grade". How can we tell? Thank You!:)

-- Don (, March 20, 2001


I work with two types of stainless steel at work and although all stainless steel is considered "food grade" there are several types which are better than others. If a magnet sticks to it, it is probably 400 series stainless which has a higher percentage of iron in it(which means it could rust if liquids are in it). This is usually used for veneers on products that can be wiped down and cleaned. 300 series stainless is a better grade which can be subjected to immersion in liquids without fear of rusting. A magnet will not stick to this type. This is the kind of stainless steel that you want. Also if you are going to do any welding on it,you must use stainless wire or rods or this could rust also. Hope this helps.

-- emory a snyder (, March 22, 2001.

A metal worker I know told me that they put lead in some stainless steel to make it machine better; is there anything to this, and is it potentially harmful? I was thinking of making evaporators too.


-- Rod Perrino (, March 23, 2001.

No there is no lead in stainless steel, if there was you wouldn't be able to use it for cooking utinsels. A good site to check out the chemical composition of stainless I have been welding stainless steel for 20 years.

-- emory (, March 23, 2001.

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