Is my goat a dairy or meat type?(link to picture inside) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Could some of you goat people please check out these photos of my goat Buttercup and tell me if she's a dairy type goat? Her dam looks like her except she's a salt-and pepper color. I thought she was part Nubian but just found out her sire isn't the buck I had thought but just a "scrub" goat. I'd really like to know what she looks like to those who know goats, so I can decide what type of buck to breed her to this fall. Thanks so much!

-- Elizabeth in e tx (, March 20, 2001


She looks like she's part Nubian to me. Her hers are a little short, but we see lots of goats like this around here, usually call them Nubian mixes. Cute babies! Are you milking her?

-- Cindy in Ky (, March 21, 2001.

oops. Her EARS are a little short.

-- Cindy in Ky (, March 21, 2001.

She's a pretty goat. Does look similar to some of my Nubians, but stockier and shorter eared. What kind of goats were running together, do you know? Could she be part pygmy or maybe Spanish? In this part of Texas, people raise a lot of Spanish as meat goats. I would breed her back to Nubian. I think that is the dairy breed she most resembles.

-- mary, texas (, March 21, 2001.

She looks like half Nubian and half something else- probably half Spanish. I would breed her to a buck with good milk production and a very level rump.

-- Rebekah (, March 21, 2001.

Elizabeth, I loved the pictures of Buttercup. I would definitely breed her to a good dairy buck. She looks like she is part Nubian and part Toggenburg to me. Toggs are really sweet natured. Good luck. Winona

-- Winona in MO (, March 21, 2001.

I'm with Winona.... I'd say Nub/Togg, too... She sure is a pretty little thing - whatever she is!!!

-- Sue Diederich (, March 21, 2001.

I'd say Nubian-Alpine. The one kid sure looks like a chamoisee (sp?) and the face of the doe looks Alpish to me. She looks like a nice doe, I'd breed her back to a Nubian for certain....depending on where in Texas you are, Vicki has really nice bucks and I just got one from her who is beautifully marked. Congrats!

-- Doreen (, March 21, 2001.

She is a very pretty goat. And very healthy looking too! She doesn't appear to have to big nose like Nubians do. But to me, she definitly looks like she's at least 1/2 British Alpine. I had a full blood British Alpine that was marked up a lot like your Buttercup. She looks like Togg and British Apline mix to me. I'll bet she's a good milker! One of the best milking does I've ever had was a British Alpine, and I'd love to have another one. But, they seem to be hard to find in this neck of the woods. Good Luck!

-- Beverly Williams (, March 22, 2001.

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