You know when life's really getting you down : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

and you think "Things can't possibly get any more depressing"? Well, I had such a moment this morning, then discovered, while looking up phone shops in the Yellow Pages, that my parents' yellow pages, which used to be "Durham Area" is now "Sunderland Area". It was a most miserable moment.

-- Anonymous, March 21, 2001


"Things can't possibly get any more depressing"

I've thought that several times - I've always been wrong!

I think a strongly worded letter to the Yellow Pages people is called for Dougal. BTW where are you logging on? Many libraries have net access these days so Consett should be covered. Then again, if it is indeed in the "Sunderland Area" you may be limited in your options. Cave paintings are difficult to send onto the BBS.

-- Anonymous, March 21, 2001

I asked a little earlier if things could get any worse. Seems that for you they just have, you have my heartfelt commiserations.

-- Anonymous, March 21, 2001

Tragic, bloody tragic Dougal.
If I were you I'd dash doon to Consett International Airport (CIA) and jet straight oot 'o there. Actually, there's a shuttle to Heaton National (HNL) in 30 minutes - get yersel doon there noo, afore them bliddy mackems get ti yer. Howay hinny.

-- Anonymous, March 21, 2001

Who did that? Moi?

-- Anonymous, March 21, 2001

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