Polaroid 669; do you have to pull it out slowly?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

Any users of 669 notice that you have to pull the paper out very slowly to ensure proper "squeegee" of the developer? I had only used Fuji FP-100C until this 669 found it's way into my lap. I had a bit of trouble with weird colored areas and under exposure until I started pulling out the paper very, very slowly. Now everything's fine; in case you were wondering.....

Just curious.

-- Colin Miller (ckmiller@pond.net), March 23, 2001


No, pull it out at a steady and even speed. Within reason, the speed at which you pull it out shouldn't make any difference. I get through about 5 boxes of 669 a week and never have any problems. In my experience, colour problems are caused by under development, i.e. not allowing extra development time in cold conditions.

-- Garry Edwards (bestsnapper@aol.com), March 26, 2001.

Maybe your rollers are uneven, because my experience matches Gary's. I pull the entire sheet out in about 2 seconds and everything looks good.

Pulling the film out slowly won't hurt anything, though. Well, I take that back; if you take a really LONG time to pull it out, one part of the photo can get noticeably more development than the other, so counteract that by taking a similar amount of time to peel the backing off the photo.

-- Roger Wong (rogerw@bigfoot.com), March 26, 2001.

Actually I take about 4-5 seconds to pull out the sheet. Thanks for your help, everyone.

-- Colin Miller (ckmiller@pond.net), March 26, 2001.

I noticed that the last 2 frames out of every pack I used were always some problems. Either the photo was plain white or light yellow with no pictute in it. I don't undestand it. Pls share your experiences. Thank you.

-- Thang Nguyen (ttnguyen_98@yahoo.com), June 27, 2001.

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