Senator Bennett on : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
During the evening of 3/24/01 I watched a meeting of CIO's on CSPAN. CIO and Darwin editors were present along with other government and private industry officials. Senator Bennett was a key speaker. He talked about the parallels between Y2K and current national infrastructure computer security issues. It was excellent and clear from the content of his speech that Y2K was an extremely serious situation for our country. It served as a reminder to me not to dismiss what is happening in the energy industry and economy right now as being unrelated to Y2K. Maybe someone else has more specific information on this meeting and can post it here. I was interrupted during the viewing and was not able to get the name and actual date of the meeting.
-- JP Thomas (, March 25, 2001
Y2K is causing serious problems such as the posting the Maryland officer who stated that Y2K had destroyed their computer system recently. But, no one seems to add 2 plus 2 and understand our "energy crisis" started with higher gasoline, propane, heating oil prices right after Y2K. Everything from amazing amounts of oil refinery explosions the months following Y2K to the oil platform in Brazil "mysteriously" blowing up in the sea off Brazil.
-- Paul (, March 25, 2001.
C-SPAN Networks
Schedule for Saturday, 03/24/2001
04:41 pm
Internet Security
Chief Information Officer Magazine
Condoleezza Rice , White House
Richard Clarke , National Security Council
-- spider (, March 25, 2001. by Condoleezza Rice at Partnership For Critical Infrastructure Annual Meeting
-- (news@of.note), March 25, 2001.
Jeanette -I also caught the CSPAN viewing of Senator Bennett's remarks at the CIO event in DC. As you said, he was very compelling in his remarks regarding the parallels of Y2K and cyber security. Of course, both are infrastructure issues, and the Senator is wise to utilize the best practices and lessons learned from Y2K in his new cyber- interests. He pointed out that it is important that government not regulate security, but rather encourage responsible citizenship on the net by both corporate and private entities. I was also interested to see that the Senator now finally understands that Internet privacy and cyber security are NOT the same issue, but in actuality are diametrically opposed to each other (I pointed this out to him personlly in Feb. of 2000, but he did not agree with me at the time.)
As many of you will recall, infrastructure protection issues are the reasons why the originators of this forum kept it going long after Y2K issues had "expired," which of course, they haven't.
So, stay the course all. There is a lot of work to be done. Great to see you again, Jeanette!
Jen B.
-- Jen (, March 26, 2001.