Montgomery Gateway : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

Was Montgomery, Al a major freight interchange point for CofG? What passenger service existed? When did service cease?

-- Richard T. Lasater (, March 27, 2001



I worked as the agent in Eufaula in the mid 1980's and the track supervisor in Eufaula maintained the line from Union Springs to Montgomery. Several times while I was in Eufaula, he would call a work extra to operate between Union Springs and Montgomery for the purpose of using a pile driver to pound lengths of rail into the ground along the roadbed in an effort to stabilize the track. I always heard it was so sandy that the roadbed was prone to movements. I'm sure the high cost of maintaining the line had much to do with it's abandonment. Also, I have a 1949 timetable that still lists passenger service between Montgomery and Smithville with a change of trains required at Smithville to make a quick connection to Macon/Atlanta. A 1952 timetable I have shows the Smithville to Montgomery line as freight only.

Bryan Smith

-- Bryan Smith (, June 07, 2001.

Richard, I spent a little time around this line in the mid 1970's. CG/SR did not have a yard, instead owning a couple of tracks in WofA's Chester Yard. They had some sort of switching arrangement, but I know none of the details. By the time I came along, the daily trains (one each way)were pretty short, 30-40 cars typically, as I recall. They still sometimes needed a push from a West Point geep to make climb past Oakwood Cem. and Paterson Field (see SR timetables of that era for note about Montgomery pusher in tonnage ratings table). Main interchange seemed to be with GMO/ICG, with much of that tied to big paper plant near Prattville. NS acquired a chunk of the old GMO from Maplesville down to the plant and still serves it daily. With the grade out of Montgomery and lots of swampy areas east of town (with many short, low timber trestles), it's a wonder this line lasted as long as it did. I think it was about the worst track I ever saw on any SR line, but Union Springs to Columbus was much better. Line from Union Springs to Eufaula taken out of service in mid 70's, Montgomery line around 1985. I think passenger service ended just prior to WW II, but will try to check. David Harris

-- David Harris (, June 07, 2001.

Richard, I suggest you go to , click on Montgomery Railroads, then click on The Central of Georgia logo. Robert Hanson has a nice write-up there.

-- Al Pelham (, March 30, 2001.

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