Who are they talking about?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Just found this on the orficial shite......who are they describing

Nicknamed 'Screech', with an apparent likeness to that bloke with the curly hair in the kids' TV show 'Saved By The Bell', ??????? made his debut against QPR in October 1997 and went on to play around 150 games for the ???????.

Answers on the back of used ten pound notes please..... 80)

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001


Get over onto the answers page please

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001


y'know for a minute there when someone mentioned that our most recent signings were Quinn and O'Brien i had a strange sense of deja-vu...

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

Bugger - I've been outted.

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

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