I am a freak because...

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Okay, so you're not a freak, but what makes you different or unique? Can you do quadratic equations in your head or burp the alphabet?

-- Anonymous, March 31, 2001


I am a freak because I refuse to grow up, I refuse to wear clothes for someone my age, I refuse to stop going to school, I refuse to take medicine for my OCD, etc....

Am I a freak or just stubborn? What about you Kate?

-- Anonymous, March 31, 2001

Actually, I asked this question 'cause someone asked it of me and I couldn't come up with any good answers. I'm a bit of a freak in that I tend to obsess about weird things for a period of months - I call it serial obsession. For example, last year I decided that I needed ALL of the Degrassi series on tape (was running on a station here - now I've got lots of tapes that have satisfied my need for nostalgia and may now end up on e-bay). My latest interest is ghosts/paranormal stuff (was looking over my shoulder and peeking around corners for a week after exposing myself to some ghost web sites), and this too will pass. Yeah, maybe I am a freak:)

-- Anonymous, March 31, 2001

I'm a big Apple Computer fan, and everyone knows it, often within minutes of meeting me. I like to think I have enough taste and tact to not be an obnoxious boring loser geek all up in people's faces, but if they're going to ask me about Apple or my Mac, I'm gonna start talkin'. Some would say this makes me a freak. My wife would say that, for instance (and she often does). :-)

-- Anonymous, March 31, 2001

I can snap my hips out of their sockets. I have no idea why.

-- Anonymous, April 01, 2001

Oh My Gosh, lilipili, does it hurt? Wow, that *is* pretty novel. I have a couple of completely irrational phobias (OK, that's a redundant definition). Pop-up books (great when you have a child) and those tissue paper unfolding honeycomb decorations. I've had these fears about 40 years for some unknown reason. After years of trying desensitization, etc., my Chiroprator (sp) taught me a simple technique call "delete". You just think of whatever and say you're ready not to let it give you a heart attack and then think about it again and see how it feel on a scale from 1 to 10, with the idea getting to 0 emotional response. You don't ever have to like it, but the idea is to get rid of the adrenalin response. Guess how they prop the Okla. wedding scene? With honeycomb wedding bells. I touched one tonight. But they store them outside until the scene and they're getting dirty and there are bugs crawling out of them, oh crap, I think I'm back to a ten.

-- Anonymous, April 01, 2001

I drink black coffee. I actually like the taste. Always did. Cream and sugar ruins it.

I have a cellar full of broken antiques along with a woodshop full of tools. I rarely use it. I lie to myself. I always say I'm going to get more involved. I never do. I fall in love with 3 legged tables, I have at least 10 of them.

I cheat at computer chess. I make the computer play without a queen just so I can win. It makes me feel good.

I can still hit a golf ball a lot further than 99% of the people I play with. I play with guys 20 years younger than me. Dunno, it's just a freak thing. I used to be a caddie when I was a kid.

-- Anonymous, April 01, 2001

I'm right there with ya, Joseph, on the black coffee. Do you get weird looks in restaurants when you ask for black coffee, too?

I have a similar thing with computer chess: I play as fast as I can, move as many pawns to the other side as I can, and I usually either lose spectacularly or I win by checkmating the computer after I've raced my pawns to the edge so I can trade them in for queens. I usually win just because I have five queens roaming the board.

-- Anonymous, April 01, 2001

Not at all, Vicki. It does, however, make me quite popular at parties. Y'know, in the circus freak kinda way ;).

-- Anonymous, April 01, 2001

Vicki reminded me of this funny book I saw last year. It was the Ppp-up Bok of Phobias. It's great. It has clowns and needles and dentists. Very funny.

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2001

Huh, I always considered myself a freak because I *don't* drink coffee. Being a tea-drinker in the US makes one very freakish, indeed. One thing I loved about traveling in the UK and Commonwealth countries is that I could get a decent cup of tea when I wanted one.

I'm also a freak because, when I drive, I always, *always* use my turn signal when I'm about to make a turn. Based on my observation of my fellow drivers around these parts, I'm one of a very rare breed.

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2001

Ummm. That was supposed to say Pop-Up Book of Phobias. Damn that overstrike key.

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2001

Word on serial obsessions. For a while, it was 80s CDs. Now it's gardening stuff (though to be fair, this one may be permanent). Woo-hoo, I planted broccoli!

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2001

Travis, I see that book on a regular basis. One of my daughter's doctors has it. It is amusing and cute from a safe distance :).

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2001

If I am using a digital volume control, like on the TV or stereo, I have to set it on an even number.

-- Anonymous, April 04, 2001

Whoa, Alison, you win. :-)

-- Anonymous, April 05, 2001

I'm glad Paul said it cause I didn't want too. hehe

-- Anonymous, April 05, 2001

Ugh, I answered this on Squishy and I'm still not comfortable about making it public.

I'm a counter. I count syllables, but I don't keep track of the number of syllables, I just tap them out on my fingers in specific patterns until they end on the finger I deem suitable.

And I can pop my wrist with this weird, bone grinding noise that makes people flinch, but I stopped after I developed TMJ from doing the same thing with my jaw.

Oh! But the most special best thing that I can do is make a 3 leaved clover with my tongue! That's my coolest trick.

-- Anonymous, April 10, 2001

Robyn, don't be uncomfortable. I count, too. I count how many steps I take from point A to point B. I've been doing it since grade school. I also tap my fingers against each other in multiples of ten.

I also like to eat an even number of tic tacs. One for each cheek. Two or four is sufficient.

I can't think of anymore off the top of my head, but there are plenty! None of this interferes with my daily life, so it doesn't bother me too much. I'm no Jack Nicholson in "As Good As it Gets", so I figure I'm okay.

-- Anonymous, April 10, 2001

Jack Nicholson didn't think it interfered with his life either...

-- Anonymous, April 10, 2001

Just look what he did to that dog.

BTW, Robyn, I pop my wrist, too, and I hate the noise it makes but it makes my wrist feel better.

-- Anonymous, April 10, 2001

I use to transcribe discussions to shorthand using my finger so I ended up doing some kind of weird hand gesture thingee but broke myself of that because it was too freaky.

I can't pop any of my bones but they do it on their own sometimes.

-- Anonymous, April 10, 2001

I can spell both my first and last names on a calculator. That's probably not so much "freakish" as it is lucky.

-- Anonymous, April 10, 2001

Paul, it's different than that pop. The pop I get from a stiff wrist feels good, like popping my knuckles. This is more of a grind than a pop, and it doesn't feel good, but it makes a funky sound that grosses people out.

Voila - now you know what little entertainment value I have.

My best friend could do the "arm trick", where she could put her hands behind her back, clasp them, and then bring her arms up over her head and in front of her without breaking her hand grips. But after we made her do it over and over as a party trick, she sort of dislocated her shoulder.

I'm not a good friend.

-- Anonymous, April 10, 2001

Oh, ew, then, nevermind. :-)

-- Anonymous, April 11, 2001

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