Poster for sale? : LUSENET : Junkyard Wars : One Thread

Do you have posters available for sale? All I found was videos.

Please advise.

-- M.Pitzmeyer (, April 02, 2001


I don't know the answer to your question, but I did see a poster last week at a bar called "The Rock" in D.C. I was quite surprised... Waiting for the Hurricanes v. Capitals game to start across the street at the MCI center... stopped by "The Rock" so my friend could get a beer... excuse myself to the Men's room... standing at the urinal I get the funny feeling that someone is watching me... sure enough, it is a framed JYW poster with Nosher staring at me... relieved that it was just a poster.

Happy hunting!

-- JC (Team Triangulation) (, April 03, 2001.

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