All we need.... : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

I didn't make the Bradford game but according to Biffa's report the loathesome "Town full of Pakis" tune was given another airing, OK, so it's a tiny minority who join in, but for chrissakes when are we going to get rid of these f*7%6+g twats?

-- Anonymous, April 03, 2001


That's rather racist, methinks

-- Anonymous, April 03, 2001

Hello MrStirrer, are you missing my point, are you trying to be ironic, or are you - as I suspect - a bigger twat than those who were doing the singing?

-- Anonymous, April 03, 2001

I think Rik is innocent for once DSS....easy to miss it though....he's been getting some stick for racist comments himself on the board and he's probably just throwing a tongue in cheek comment in for the sake of it....

Over to you Rik?

-- Anonymous, April 03, 2001

Fairynuff - thought I was being wound-up by some idiot lurking mackem for a minute. I do find this racist crap even more depressing than our current league position, lord only knows what the rest of the country think of us sometimes.

-- Anonymous, April 03, 2001

In this day and age of vidoe this and video that, why can't they just video the bliddy troublemakers and haul them out as they leave? Yes - it's a small minority. But they're not welcome. Get rid.

-- Anonymous, April 03, 2001

It may be a minority Screacher, but I don't think it's all that small. That's the real problem - if you attempt to hoy oot hundreds you can start a riot.

Interesting that several on here only last week were castigating the racists in Armenia when the problem is still all around us - assuming you are prepared to open your eyes, of course.

-- Anonymous, April 03, 2001

.......I meant Albania, naturally!

-- Anonymous, April 03, 2001

Hmmm not impressed with the Rik impersonator. Your spelling is too good. As for "Pakis" some of my best mates are Asians so lay off them, they don't call us Honkeys do they?

-- Anonymous, April 03, 2001

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