Haven't had this thread in awhile...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

What is everyone doing this weekend?

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001


no surprises.....

apart from watching as many hours of telivised Masters as possible:
Golf - medal tomorrow
grass needs cutting again
need to sort out the spare room for me Mam's visit over Easter
probably golf on Sunday
any footy worth watching this w/end? Naa, didn't think so.

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001

A few beers after work with friends (Swifters!) then back home and maybe get a video.

Saturday, spending Saturday afternoon watching an important football match where promotion is at stake, a sprinkling of internationals on parade and tickets for less than a tenner. Where?

Rushden & Diamonds versus LR's favourites Morecambe Town. Rushden need to keep winning to get into the football league and Morecambe need to avoid getting sucked into the relegation mire. The internationals will be representatives of England's Semi-Professional side who recently beat Holland 3-0! Saturday night, into Northampton for a night out hopefully followed by the Boxing, Naseem versus Berrera.

Sunday, relaxing.

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001

Nice quiet evening in with the missus tonight, wander around london tomorrow and nothing on sunday....

Cool eh? :))

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001

Good to have everynow and then Gav!

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001

Having a Swiss meal with my Ueropean neighbours tonight. Gonna try and teach him golf tomorrow (Although I can't play). With the kids off school I reckon I can get a couple of weeks holiday. So just hope the weather in Whitley Bay fairs up a bit.

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001

Completely moribund this weekend, saving myself for next weekend when the light of my life and I are off to Italy to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary. The weekend after it's the light of my life's birthday, 29th or something, she reckons.

Pity I've gorra gan wi' wor lass.

Only joking hinny, if you're watching.:-))

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001

So, are you and Marcelino sharing a bedroom on this holiday, Pit Bill?


-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001

Off to see Brian Johnson and the lads of AC/DC blast out the greatest rock and roll song ever "Let there be Rock" Cannit wait, I am going to see if I can get close enough to give him me toon shirt. Friday neet some Thai food, satda school and tutoring maybe enough purchase a replacement Bike.

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001

Oh Syme - you bugger. You didn't tell me they were in town, and there's me passing thru Chicago later today. Yes, finally winging my way back to UK and some real work :-( Footy next weekend!!!

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001

their in on sunday ye prawn

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001

Going to public meetings to be shouted at about funeral pyres for carcasses in Cumbria. Thinking about going home at some point tonight. Feeling really p*ssed off. Really really p*ssed off.

Anybody got a spare life I could borrow for a bit? Sort of try it out for size, like? Oh go on...

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001

Not so hot for you just now then Dr. Bill? (:o|

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001

So does it smell like a gigantic bbq? Sorry. ;-)

You're more than welcome to spend some time in my little world, Dr. Bill. Bored silly today. A bit of filing, most of the day spent trying to learn Access from the 'Idiots Guide' my boss has. Not all that helpful, but certainly nothing as stressful as what you're having to deal with.

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001

Its Daughter number 2's 11th birthday on Saturday, so friends round, ten pin bowling, big macs all that kind of stuff......few beers in front of the golf when they have all gone to bed, Sunday play it by the weather but hopefuly whatever we do, we'll be back in time to see the mighty Wycombe hit Liverpool......I know its not likely to happen, but just think....little Wycombe in the cup final....ho ho, what price Newton Heath say it was devalued if it did happen! 80)

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001

Recovering from Friday night in Auckland watching Neil Finn, Johnny Marr, a couple of lads from Radiohead, Eddie Vedder, Lisa Germano, Tim Finn et al play an ABSOLUTE BLINDING set. Nearly 3 hours of sonic brilliance, humour and songwriting genius. And i finally got see my absolute hero [football aside] in Johnny Marr - the man who inspired me to pick up a guitar. It was a pleasure and a privilege to be there. Gobsmacked.

-- Anonymous, April 07, 2001

You must have got a hell of a redundancy ITK if you could afford to build a 10 pin bowling alley at your place.

I know this sounds bad, but I am pleased Mrs gus has left all her troubles behind, my Softball, (Rounders) season started today, took a couple of smart catches, batted .750, thats 4 at bats 3 safe hits.

Tomorrow the football season starts for me. Well gets me off the street and out of the pubs!!

Dr. Bill come over here for a while. Autumn and we are looking at 30+ celcius all this coming week. He was I hoping for rain and 10 degrees!

-- Anonymous, April 07, 2001

What brought that collection of musicians together, Min? Was it just a jam session or something for charity? Sounds like a fantastic night out!

-- Anonymous, April 07, 2001

Well, made it back to Manchester Airport - and guess what. It was raining. Almost didn't make it. First place delayed 1.5hrs and due to land 10 mins after 2nd takes off. Got to arrival gate 20 mins after due take off so legged it thru O'Hare. LKD would have been proud of by body-swerves. I appologise to the guy who took the brunt of my PC (almost said laptop!) as I ran to the departure gate. Yes! The plane was still there and as I took my seat, they closed the doors. Whew! Then the plane sat on the bliddy tarmac until some late-arrival's baggard was loaded ;-)

But that wasn't it. 28 planes in front of us to take off, not to mention the 40 or so landing. Two hours later, we were in the air. Don't you just love air travel?

-- Anonymous, April 07, 2001

Welcome back to Blighty Screach - great Spring weather eh? The country has gone to the greyhounds since you left.

This place has been infected by a virus called 'El Lurka del Roker' - it badly distorts your threads, won't allow itself to contribute, and simply refuses to be quarantined. However, we've got a brand new Ziet Meister who is working feverishly on the said virus definition, and is threatening to expose his Irksome Prat code.

This is not sitting too well with El Lurka, who is threatening plague and pestilence on this fair land if the Ziet Meister is successful in his efforts to rid us of the evil menace.

Meanwhile, some of Ziet Meister's cohorts are plotting to defrock the evil one, extract the barberous pole implant which turned him to the dark side of the Tyne, and mack-him (!) into a peace loving ambassador for the Sunderland Empire - forever to represent that mutant race in this fair land of Toon.

May the forceps be with us.

-- Anonymous, April 07, 2001

Crikey Clarky. You been drinking some of the stuff as me? Great (?) to be back. See youse aal next week in the Straabeery fer the Wham concert match.

-- Anonymous, April 07, 2001

LOL, Clarky. I thought it was the mass burning of carcasses for El Lurka disease? Isn't that what Dr. Bill was seeing to? Or was that Futon Mouth? Or Footie Mouth? All these strange little diseases are doing my head in.

BTW, it probably won't mean much to non-US residents, but I just have to say Peeps are one of the best things about Easter. Even better since I found a 5-pack and am now consuming them. Let the sugar rush begin! wooooo!! mmmmmm!! %-)

-- Anonymous, April 07, 2001

...presumably, what we call "alcopops", ciara?

-- Anonymous, April 07, 2001


neil finn's just released a new solo album. To 'celebrate' he decided to tour NZ which he hasn't done for quite a few years apparently. There were two parts to the tour. First part, he set up the a tour of small, university towns and asked the student unions and local bars etc to get local musicians to send in demo tapes/auditions etc and he'd turn up on the night and they'd play a set - one great idea.

To celelbrate the release of the album, he did a residency of 5 nights at the St. James' Theatre in Auckland. He sent off a load of letters to musicians he admired, had met to 'see what the response was'. They rehearsed 40 odd songs in the 4 days leading up to it and it was really incredible. Marr came 'for the vibe'. The Radiohead lads came cos they were massive Johnny Marr fans. They even had Neil Finn's son's band [must've been about 17] playing a few Pearl Jam and Split Enz songs with Eddie Vedder singing. A right laugh and a great evening. a privilege to have been there really. nme.com have got a webcast if anyone's interested. [should be about two of you...] ;))

-- Anonymous, April 07, 2001

Naaaah. NOthing as grown up as that. Peeps are colored sugar covered marshmallows shaped like baby chicks(there are also bunny shaped ones). A necessary part of every child's Easter basket. Bowing to the health craze, the boxes now proudly proclaim the sugar lumps are 'fat-free'.

Just the kind of healthy snacking one needs after an afternoon walk around Annapolis. ;-)

-- Anonymous, April 07, 2001

Wow, Min, that's so cool. Very rare for regular punters to be invited to such a thing. Glad you got to go! :-)

-- Anonymous, April 07, 2001

right place, right time - for once!

I was made up - still glowing really. Johnny Marr was and still is my absolute guitar hero/favourite musician's - just one of the best and that was the first time i've ever seen him play live. just a bit gutted about the ape with 'security' stencilled across his chest who nabbed me after the first couple of songs and made me delete the pictures from my digital camera. git. ;-((

-- Anonymous, April 07, 2001

Hi Min, just been having a bit of a read up on Jonny Marr. He`s had a pretty interesting musical life so far! Fascinated to read that in his early days as a DJ he was really into Atlantic soul, particularly Sam and Dave (one of my all time favourites)!

I`ve sent you his website, though you have probably seen it already.

BTW - Yelli will go wild when she hears that Eddie Vedder was there too - Big fan of his!

She`s already blowing a gasket `cos, despite sitting in front of the computer from the crack of dawn with three phones working at the same time, she has not been able to get tickets for U2. I don`t think I`ve seen her so disappointed about anything since she was a baby teenager and we were having `discussions` about whether or not she could go to see Guns n` Roses!(;o)

-- Anonymous, April 08, 2001

ps. I, of course, gave in and ferried her and two other hyper excited young ladies(!??!) up to Milton Keynes. Just call me `Wonder MumŽ! (;o)

-- Anonymous, April 08, 2001

Awe, shucks!

-- Anonymous, April 08, 2001

Send Yelli over to the states....plenty of tickets available for shows outside the big cities(ie. NY/Chicago/Boston/LA). Alternatively she can try going to the venue on the day of the show. They've been releasing a few hundred tickets on the afternoon over here. Not sure if it's the same in Europe. Aaaannnd...they are seriously looking into adding 2 shows in Scotland. :-)

-- Anonymous, April 08, 2001

Oh dear, I did throw me tiny rattle out of me pram there didn't I? Sorry about that, put it down to a bad day/week/year.

It does smell horribly like a BBQ, yes Ciara. There's a new improved version being piloted in Cumbria, burns hotter, less particulates, less dioxins, less PAHs from the creosote on the railway sleepers - the things I have to mug up on, you wouldn't believe it (sorry, I mean you didn't want to know). 3000 carcases a day, should make the whole of Cumbria smell just like your local BurgerKingTM. I'm off there tomorrow night, just to sample the atmosphere (and get shouted at again likely).

The first ambulance that had to be treated to disinfect its wheels after visiting an infected area was taking a MAFF guy to Cumberland Infirmary. The cow he'd just killed fell on top of him. Poetic justice eh?

PS He wasn't badly hurt. Just in case you're wondering like.

-- Anonymous, April 09, 2001

Don`t envy you at all Dr. Bill......it must be grim. (:o(

-- Anonymous, April 09, 2001

That sounds horrible, Dr. Bill. Where does it all end? :-(

And I do apologize if my question sounded flip. A bad combination of morbid curiosity and extreme boredom.

-- Anonymous, April 09, 2001

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