GSA Volleyball Schedule for 4/22/2001 important! : LUSENET : Carnegie Mellon University GSA Volleyball : One Thread

Hello Captains,

There is IMPORTANT INFORMATION in this message:

0. MY RESOLUTION: I was almost not late on this one.


2. SPRING CARNIVAL: might be going on on April 22. Or will they be tearing it down by then? I dunno. If you'd really rather be at Carnival on Sunday than at volleyball let me know and we can maybe rearrange the schedule.

3. FINAL TOURNAMENT. My, how time flies. I have three choices for the date of the final tournament. Those choices are:

April 29 May 6 May 13

Please rank these dates in order of preference; furthermore if you feel strongly about a given day please indicate that and give a reason. (example: "date X is bad because school Y has finals") I will collect all the responses and do some kind of least-worst-pain optimization algorithm on them.

Please note that April 29 is "soon", so get your responses to me ASAP.

-- Anonymous, April 17, 2001

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