GREENSPUN - (Not Greenspan) In trouble? : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Ripped off from Unk's

ArsDigita CEO & VCs Sue Philip Greenspun

Greenspun article

"ArsDigita, its CEO Allan Shaheen and the venture capitalists who took over ArsDigita Corp., the company that had everything to be the coolest company on earth, are sueing Philip Greenspun and two other co-founders of ArsDigita (Eve Anderson and Tracy Adams). The lawsuit was mentioned in this post to Philip Greenspun's site. Since the VCs took over ArsDigita, many of their best developers and staff have left the company or been fired, and now they are sueing their own co-founders, who gave the company its vision (which seems to be going down the tubes) and the profitability it always had. Sad, really sad."

If you follow the link you will find scathing comments about our illustrious benefactor.

Nobody is at my forum now, but be sure to keep it bookmarked just in case.


-- (Nets@cape 6.0), April 20, 2001


BTW, they are having a field day with this over at

-- (Nets@cape 6.0), April 20, 2001.

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2001


No no no! I think you meant to post a link to EZ's Currents, but it didn't work.

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2001

Just another reminder of the value of keeping your Bug-Out-Bag packed and handy...

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2001

New Link

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2001

Bored today Barefoot?

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2001

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