Prayer Requests (Religion or Prayer Requests? : LUSENET : Freedom! self reliance : One Thread

Sindy Mengel(Queenbuffness)'s father is in need of immediate prayer. He has cancer and is in the hospital. Please Pray.

-- Cindy (SE In) (, April 22, 2001


I don't talk to God very much any more but I will keep him in mind as well as talk to the creator about it.I always feel a little uncomfortable asking God to intercede on command/request.(my Dad just had a bout with colon cancer still very sick)Cindy I think the neat part of this board is going to be that there is NO NEED to put a contains religion warning or lable on postings.Doreen might set me straight on that but I think not.

-- greg (, April 22, 2001.

Your right, Greg. Just like life, you're strolling along and BAM! There's something about God. Like a sneeze, a tract, a church, a bumper sticker, a flower, no escaping it!

Yes, Cindy. You can rest assured that I will be praying for him and the family. And Greg,my friend, there's no command involved, so don't be shy of it, it's just asking. I'll keep your father's speedy return to health in prayer as well. God bless.

-- Doreen (, April 22, 2001.

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