Updated technique

greenspun.com : LUSENET : People Photography : One Thread

Here I am, 7 months after my first photo I posted here. Hope this shows some skill progression.

Be kind....

-- Colin Miller (ckmiller@pond.net), April 22, 2001


Try this...

-- Colin Miller (ckmiller@pond.net), April 22, 2001.


-- Colin Miller (ckmiller@pond.net), April 22, 2001.

That's not really the title for the pic is it? LOL!

I think I remember your 1st pic, and from memory it had a badly selected and clutted background... this looks good, obviously a location shot (not studio) but very non-descript background. Like the previous pic, you've captured her personality (well I imagine you have), she looks looks a bubbly person! On a presentation point, you have some nasty jpeg artifacts... bump up the quality setting a bit, I can handle a bit bigger file size!

-- Nigel Smith (nlandgl@unite.com.au), April 23, 2001.

it wasn't my tag...

-- Nigel Smith (nlandgl@unite.com.au), April 23, 2001.

test... (I won't do any more if this doesn't work!)

-- Nigel Smith (nlandgl@unite.com.au), April 23, 2001.

closing the tag.

-- ed (ekang@cse.nd.edu), April 23, 2001.

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